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Inuvik Drum

Beaufort Delta ambulance services expire today - potentially no service until April 1

Beaufort Delta ambulance services expire today - potentially no service until April 1

Ambulance Services in the Beaufort Delta expire today and a new tender will not go into effect April 1.
Utilidor engineers want to display art on network

Utilidor engineers want to display art on network

Engineers working on the maintenance and upgrading of Inuvik’s utilidor system have an artistic proposal for the Duck Lake Road bypass.
Inuvik Drum neighbour briefs: Trap Lines in Aklavik, Jamborees look for dates, beaver permits needed

Inuvik Drum neighbour briefs: Trap Lines in Aklavik, Jamborees look for dates, beaver permits needed

Pet owners advised trapping underway near Aklavik
Inuvik Drum news briefs - Students back to school, GTC postpones AGM, Bingo cancelled

Inuvik Drum news briefs - Students back to school, GTC postpones AGM, Bingo cancelled

East Three plans return to in-school learning
Covid-19 cases jump back over 200 in Beaufort Delta

Covid-19 cases jump back over 200 in Beaufort Delta

After dropping mid-week, Covid-19 numbers in the Beaufort Delta have shot up again going into the weekend.
Extreme caution in convoy response shows how ingrained Canadian racism really is

Extreme caution in convoy response shows how ingrained Canadian racism really is

Well, I suppose it was inevitable. Last Friday I felt a pain in my throat and began isolating immediately. I tested positive for Covid-19 on Monday night.
Inuvik pool to re-open by April: SAO

Inuvik pool to re-open by April: SAO

After numerous delays, complications, unpleasant surprises and logistical bellyflops, Inuvik’s swimming pool may soon be re-opening to the public.
Mining claims in Peel Watershed relinquished

Mining claims in Peel Watershed relinquished

Seven companies have relinquished more than half of the outstanding mining claims located in the Peel Watershed’s conservation areas.
Covid outbreak spreads in Ulukhaktok, recedes elsewhere in Beaufort Delta

Covid outbreak spreads in Ulukhaktok, recedes elsewhere in Beaufort Delta

A Covid-19 outbreak in Ulukhaktok is still spreading, but elsewhere in the Beaufort Delta it has receded slightly in the two days since the last official update.
Inuvik Drum neighbour briefs - schools respond to Covid-19 pandemic

Inuvik Drum neighbour briefs - schools respond to Covid-19 pandemic

Chief Paul Niditchie school welcomes back the sun