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Beaufort Delta ambulance services expire today - potentially no service until April 1

Ambulance Services in the Beaufort Delta expire today and a new tender will not go into effect April 1.
Ambulance services in the Beaufort Delta are set to expire today unless the GNWT and Advanced Medical Solutions are able to work out a contract extension. NNSL file photo

Ambulance Services in the Beaufort Delta expire today and a new tender will not go into effect until April 1.

Advanced Medical Solutions owner Sean Ivens verified his company’s contract with the GNWT ends Feb. 14.

“The contract does expire today and we are in discussions with the GNWT to extend, but the new contract starts April 1,” he said. “So we’re not sure what’s happening just yet.”

Ivens noted he was not the only ambulance service to put in a bid for the contract.

Still up in the air is what happens to ambulance services if the contract expires.

“That would be a question for Beaufort Delta Health,” he said.

Beaufort Delta Health and Social Services Authority referred Inuvik Drum to the NWT Health Ministry.

Health Ministry spokesperson Jacky Miltenberger said the GNWT had a contingency in place to prevent a disruption of service.

“A ‘Request for Proposal’ for the ambulance services closed on January 31 2022 and it is currently in the review stage,” said Miltenberger. “The current contract contains a provision for extension which would be exercised to avoid a gap in service.

“NTHSSA will follow the standard processes set out in the contract in regards to this matter, including exercising the provision for extension if appropriate.”

However, Ivens told Inuvik Drum there was no active extension deal in effect.

He noted negotiation with the GNWT to continue the service were still underway.

“We are in communication about extending it, but it has not been extended,” he said. “The hope is that we get this resolved today so we have a proper extension so that we can continue services.”

About the Author: Eric Bowling

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