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Inuvik Drum news briefs - Students back to school, GTC postpones AGM, Bingo cancelled

East Three plans return to in-school learning
East Three Secondary School is returing to in-class learning Feb. 7 — barring unforeseen circumstances. NNSL file photo

East Three plans return to in-school learning

East Three Secondary School has announced a return to in-person learning on Feb. 7, barring unforeseen circumstances.

Students will be required to perform a self-check before entering the building and will be required to wear a face covering at all times while inside the building. Social distancing, hand washing and face masks will be required.

The school asks that any school supplies borrowed by students over the at-home period be returned.

Town asks residents to stand firm on Covid-19 prevention

With facilities opening up, the town is asking residents to keep up their role in preventing Covid-19 transmission.

Anyone experiencing symptoms of illness is asked to stay home. When in public, keeping a safe distance is still requested and wearing a mask indoor is still essential.

Ongoing hand washing and sanitizing instruments is also still recommended.

Mega-bingo cancelled

With cases in the Beaufort Delta still in the triple digits, Roads End Golf course has opted for safety first and has cancelled its Feb. 5 mega-bingo fundraiser.

A new date will be announced shortly.

Earlier in January, a mega-bingo hosted by Inuvik Curling Club was determined to be a Covid-19 exposure event.

Gwich’in Tribal Council postpones AGM again

Plans to host an in-person annual general meeting for the Gwich’in Tribal Council at the Midnight Sun Complex on Feb. 8 have been postponed until further notice amid the Covid-19 outbreak.

This is the second time the AGM has been postponed this year due to the outbreak.

Among the issues on the floor at the AGM will be determining who will step up to fill the role of deputy Grand Chief, which was held by the late Kristine McLeod and has been filled by her brother Kelly since the fall.

About the Author: Eric Bowling

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