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Inuvik Drum

NWT Wildfires: Don’t play in the woods, firefighters beg children

NWT Wildfires: Don’t play in the woods, firefighters beg children

As Yellowknifers slowly make their way back to their home Sept. 6, officials are asking people to not let their children play in the fire-ransacked woods.
NWT Wildfire: Work on Hay River fire line continues

NWT Wildfire: Work on Hay River fire line continues

Work on securing the Town of Hay River, K’átł’odeeche First Nation and the surrounding areas continues, with 30 kilometres of fire line in development.
NWT Wildfires: Re-entry plans for Wood Buffalo Complex in works, but no return date yet

NWT Wildfires: Re-entry plans for Wood Buffalo Complex in works, but no return date yet

Extreme drought conditions continue to prolong the Wood Buffalo Complex, even as milder weather gave wildfire fighters room to maneuver.
Dart from above! Polar bear biologists explain their trade

Dart from above! Polar bear biologists explain their trade

A mother polar bear is walking along the ice with her cubs when suddenly a huge flying beast appears on the horizon. The mother tries to direct her cubs away from the monstrosity as it comes closer. Suddenly, the mother feels a light sting in her buttocks and the monster flies off. The mother leads her cubs away.
NWT Wildfires: Power restored at Big River, Fort Providence after truck knocks out three power lines

NWT Wildfires: Power restored at Big River, Fort Providence after truck knocks out three power lines

Power has been restored in Fort Providence and the gas pumps are ready to go at Big River Service Centre after a truck knocked out three power poles earlier in the day, knocking out power for much of the community.
Aklavik Wellness Centre burns down three days after opening

Aklavik Wellness Centre burns down three days after opening

Aklavik’s Community Wellness Office has been completely destroyed by a fire, just days after it held its open house.
Search for Curtis Taylor enters second day

Search for Curtis Taylor enters second day

Curtis Taylor is still missing.
NWT wildfires: Mackenzie Valley Fibre Link to be repaired within 24 hours — if a helicopter is free

NWT wildfires: Mackenzie Valley Fibre Link to be repaired within 24 hours — if a helicopter is free

Work on the Mackenzie Valley Fibre Link is expected to be done within the next 24 hours, assuming weather cooperates and there are helicopters available.
NWT Wildfires: Evacuees holding back on returning to Yellowknife have until Sept 8 for lodgings

NWT Wildfires: Evacuees holding back on returning to Yellowknife have until Sept 8 for lodgings

People who aren’t in a hurry to return to Yellowknife or are being asked to stay away for health reasons currently have until Sept. 8 to enjoy free accommodations, assuming they can find them.
NWT Wildfire: “No risk” of wildfires disrupting re-entry, say officials

NWT Wildfire: “No risk” of wildfires disrupting re-entry, say officials

Cooler than seasonal temperatures and a change of wind have helped Yellowknife firefighters in their battle against the North Slave Complex wildfire.