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NWT Wildfires: Don’t play in the woods, firefighters beg children

As Yellowknifers slowly make their way back to their home Sept. 6, officials are asking people to not let their children play in the fire-ransacked woods.

As Yellowknifers slowly make their way back to their home Sept. 6, officials are asking people to not let their children play in the fire-ransacked woods.

NWT wildfire information officer Mike Westwick sent out a notice shortly after 4 p.m. Sept. 6.

“Firefighters today encountered children playing in burned forest area along the highway,” said Westwick. “This is extremely dangerous. There are hot ash pits along the highway, dangerous trees with damaged root systems which could fall, along with continued active fire in some areas.

“Do not interact with burned forest areas while you are traveling. It is very dangerous to you, and pulls emergency responders away from important work.”

About the Author: Eric Bowling

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