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Tales from the dump: new perspectives on isolation

Tales from the dump: new perspectives on isolation

One person’s reward may be another person’s punishment.
Notes from the trail: we’ve got this

Notes from the trail: we’ve got this

Seven surgeons recently left their practices in Yellowknife. Some retired, one had a baby and others just moved. In the meantime, our COVID numbers are soaring. The number of beds in the ICU increased to six from four. Schools closed. Two shelters for the vulnerable population shut down last week due to staff illness which lead to a worker shortage — the outbreak among the homeless is our worst nightmare come true.
When the heart says NO: rethink reopening the NWT

When the heart says NO: rethink reopening the NWT

So, we’re on the verge of allowing any Tom, Dick or Harriet to enter the NWT for any reason. If they are vaccinated, they won’t even have to isolate. Say what? Yup. That’s right. Foolishness, as my dad would say. Eschia, as I would say.
Northern wildflower: Laughter is what we all need now

Northern wildflower: Laughter is what we all need now

I drove down the city streets yesterday and on my right I saw an anti-vaccine protest, on my left I saw a protest for saving the old growth forest.
Tales from the dump: It’s called electionitus

Tales from the dump: It’s called electionitus

I know the doctors are rather busy at the moment, fighting the COVID-19 pandemic and all, but I think some researcher somewhere should look into the plague of electionitis that seems to be sweeping across the land.
Northern Wildflower: Managing conflict

Northern Wildflower: Managing conflict

A friend in recovery once told me that the act of making your bed every morning helps to set you up for the rest of your day.
Tales from the dump: with us for years

Tales from the dump: with us for years

When I read the news that the courthouse in Yellowknife had been issued a covid advisory for three consecutive days, I thought ‘OK that is a little ironic and rather symbolic, that the horrible Covid had invaded the Halls of Justice. That is a bit of a milestone, or kilometre marker. I’m sure it was no fun for those who work there, but it does show that no place that people go is completely safe from the dreaded covid.
Kivalliq News editorial: Caring for others trumps pride as COVID-19 returns

Kivalliq News editorial: Caring for others trumps pride as COVID-19 returns

Labour views: Labour Day 2021

Labour views: Labour Day 2021

I hope you all had a safe and happy Labour Day. Labour Day provides a long weekend for some, and – thanks to labour laws – paid overtime for full time workers required to be at work that day. But where does this holiday come from and why are we celebrating it today? Labour Day has been a statutory holiday in Canada for many decades, but what is it all about?
Sports talk: You think you have it tough? Try being Ibrahim Hamadto

Sports talk: You think you have it tough? Try being Ibrahim Hamadto

Have you done the Milk Crate Challenge yet? I know I haven’t and if I catch my oldest offspring doing it, she’ll have some ‘splanin to do in addition to losing her phone.