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Labour views: Retention in the Northwest Territories

Labour views: Retention in the Northwest Territories

A growing trend we’ve seen in all sectors in the North and across Canada is the response that pops up whenever employers face scrutiny over shortfalls in program delivery, reduced access to services, and stressful workplace environments: staff shortage.
Yes, the Olympics still can make us smile from time to time … just ask high jumpers

Yes, the Olympics still can make us smile from time to time … just ask high jumpers

Infrastructure bills are great, aren’t they? Help to build roads and bridges and things like that to improve our lives. Of course we all know they’re nothing more than an avenue for some politicians to stick earmarks in to make the pork barrel even bigger.
Editorial: Festival’s fate in the hands of Yellowknife artists and volunteers

Editorial: Festival’s fate in the hands of Yellowknife artists and volunteers

Old Town’s signature summer festival made its live and in-person return July 30 to Aug. 1.
Covid question of the week response draws ire of Northwest Territories reader

Covid question of the week response draws ire of Northwest Territories reader

Dear editor,
Tales from the dump: flocking together

Tales from the dump: flocking together

I found a feather, just laying there on the ground. In folk lore this means I am going to have a lucky day or maybe just a good day. Folk lore can be a little iffy about these things sometimes. But I feel lucky.
Notes from the trail: reconciliation and climate change

Notes from the trail: reconciliation and climate change

While we may have forgotten the climate change crisis during the last several months, it has become clear that climate change has not forgotten us. The smoke we saw and smelled over the weekend was not just from the fires in British Columbia and the United States, it also came from some burning in our own backyard – near Whati and the Snare hydro plant.
Northern Wildflower: A few favourite - and not so favourite - things

Northern Wildflower: A few favourite - and not so favourite - things

I’m back for a short part of the summer and I couldn’t help but ask myself what it is I love about Yellowknife and what I can do without so here is a list of five things I like and dislike about my hometown.
Mountain view: In N. Scott’s House

Mountain view: In N. Scott’s House

In N. Scott’s House
Yellowknifer editorial: Marine rescue can only do so much if boaters don’t prepare

Yellowknifer editorial: Marine rescue can only do so much if boaters don’t prepare

Imagine being stranded on Great Slave Lake in a boat that no longer complies with your wishes.
Labour views: Canada’s Little Secret: Food Insecurity in the North

Labour views: Canada’s Little Secret: Food Insecurity in the North

Food insecurity is a global threat to communities around the world.