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Letter: Pig farms and garage yoga studios don’t belong near downtown - Mike Vaydik

Letter: Pig farms and garage yoga studios don’t belong near downtown - Mike Vaydik

I’m tired of being told I just don’t like change when I disagree with the proposed changes to our zoning bylaw.
Tales from the dump: Big Bill and the body snatchers

Tales from the dump: Big Bill and the body snatchers

The city has opened all its facilities to the public, except for city hall. Why is that? Come to think of it in the last two years, for most of the of the time city hall, the legislative assembly or even the house of commons have been closed to the public. Are all the politicians and bureaucrats shielding themselves from the public or been in hiding?
When the heart says NO: Is Niels Konge fit for Yellowknife council?

When the heart says NO: Is Niels Konge fit for Yellowknife council?

Last week, at a City of Yellowknife meeting, Niels Konge compared people having to provide proof of vaccination for getting into municipal facilities to Black people not being allowed to sit at the front of buses in the United States. Eschia (take it easy, eh)!
Sports Talk: A pox on the Chicago Blackhawks. Forever

Sports Talk: A pox on the Chicago Blackhawks. Forever

Yeah, I’m behind on this a bit but there was no way I would let this go because it’s one of the worst things ever perpetrated in sport.
Labour views: Building up the membership

Labour views: Building up the membership

This fall sees a flurry of activity for the Union of Northern Workers. We just held our 18th Triennial Convention, which saw some new and some familiar faces elected to the UNW’s executive. Our team is bringing many years of experience to the table, along with new ideas and perspectives.
Northern Wildflower: Electron boots and other green ideas

Northern Wildflower: Electron boots and other green ideas

In efforts to be carbon neutral as much as possible my family and I have recently made the switch to a hybrid vehicle. It gets 34 kilometres when running on electricity which is just enough to get me to school and back everyday. Since we’ve had our hybrid we’ve only had to fill up with gas once at the “treaty gas” where we I use my treaty card at the reserve gas station to save a bit of money.
Yellowknifer editorial: Pandemic rollercoaster is still making us queasy, but it’s better than critically ill

Yellowknifer editorial: Pandemic rollercoaster is still making us queasy, but it’s better than critically ill

Nobody wants to be here right now.
Tales from the dump: Covid-19 Halloween 2: The Delta Variant

Tales from the dump: Covid-19 Halloween 2: The Delta Variant

Well, we are getting pretty close to Halloween and that usually means there will be snow on the ground. It will be interesting to see if that happens this year because it has certainly been a mild fall. The pansies and violas are still blooming in our yard. I reckon that every day that is above zero this time of year is a real bonus.
Sports Talk: Nov. 8 is better than Dec. 1, right?

Sports Talk: Nov. 8 is better than Dec. 1, right?

How about that late bit of news we got on Tuesday afternoon?
Notes from the trail: Let the healing begin

Notes from the trail: Let the healing begin

Despite what was said, we were not prepared for the high number of Covid-19 cases that swept through the territories this fall. In fact, at one point, the NWT had the highest case count per capita in Canada. Indeed, we could have seen that it was coming after watching the Delta variant’s progression elsewhere but we were not ready and the measures that could have been taken to mitigate the damages were not in place. Thus, the case count soared.