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Tales from the dump: Where have all the benches gone?

Tales from the dump: Where have all the benches gone?

Where have all the benches gone, long time passing?
From the Chamber of Mines: Tough year for mineral exploration and mining in Nunavut, Northwest Territories

From the Chamber of Mines: Tough year for mineral exploration and mining in Nunavut, Northwest Territories

Providing a simple guest editorial on mining in two territories is becoming increasingly challenging as Nunavut and the Northwest Territories develop their own character, regulations and approaches to mineral resource development.
Notes from the trail: is GNWT taking climate seriously?

Notes from the trail: is GNWT taking climate seriously?

During the final days of the COP26 summit in Glasgow Scotland, two press releases came from the government trying to convince us that the GNWT is taking climate change seriously.
Tales from the dump: Franklin Avenue or Siren Alley?

Tales from the dump: Franklin Avenue or Siren Alley?

How did Franklin Avenue and Sir John Franklin High School get their names? I really don’t know, but for a period in our history, naming things after British royalty and notables was a thing. Our first commissioner who resided in the NWT, Stuart Milton Hodgson, was a bit of a monarchist. He certainly liked things Royal, and this probably explains why we have the Prince of Wales Northern Heritage Center.
Labour views: Climate crisis vs. climate change – urgent action needed

Labour views: Climate crisis vs. climate change – urgent action needed

Greetings from Yellowknife! It’s getting colder, but not as cold as we always experienced. No snow. No ice on the lake. We’re witnessing a climate crisis.
Letter: Yellowknife artists, athletes can learn from each other, says arts co-operative president

Letter: Yellowknife artists, athletes can learn from each other, says arts co-operative president

Letter: Yellowknife artists, athletes can learn from each other
Josh Allen had a great day against Josh Allen. No, seriously …

Josh Allen had a great day against Josh Allen. No, seriously …

Politics sucks. But politics can also provide bountiful stories which make you laugh. This is one of those stories.
Letter: Sports, arts funding out of balance in Northwest Territories

Letter: Sports, arts funding out of balance in Northwest Territories

Dear editor,
Tales from the dump: Yellowknife’s favourite brand

Tales from the dump: Yellowknife’s favourite brand

Not encouraging alcohol consumption but if the City of Yellowknife or the GNWT is ever looking for an alcoholic beverage to be the official drink for the north, I would like to nominate “Private Stock”. It would be ideal for official receptions, dinners, galas, dances, soirees, parties, and balls.
A pox on the Chicago Blackhawks. Forever

A pox on the Chicago Blackhawks. Forever

Yeah, I’m behind on this a bit but there was no way I would let this go because it’s one of the worst things ever perpetrated in sport.