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Putting a tourism boost in focus

Putting a tourism boost in focus

There should be no doubt the tourism industry has been the hardest during the Covid-19 pandemic of the last two years.
Northern Wildflower: Juries should be more diverse

Northern Wildflower: Juries should be more diverse

Jody Wilson-Raybould, former Justice minister and attorney general of Canada, worked hard to eliminate barriers to diversity in jury duty selection through Bill C-75 while she was in office. The Bill, which was “An Act to amend the Criminal Code, the Youth Criminal Justice Act and other Acts and to make consequential amendments to other Acts” has helped to mitigate systemic discrimination in the criminal justice system.
Opinion: Tales from the dump

Opinion: Tales from the dump

To feed, or not to feed the birds? That is the question.
Notes from the trail: It’s up to us to end homelessness

Notes from the trail: It’s up to us to end homelessness

On Dec. 29 at 11 p.m., just before the start of a new year, RCMP in Kelowna, B.C., found a dead man who had been living in a tent. Probable cause of death: hypothermia. The 34-year-old had frozen to death.
Yellowknifer editorial: Educating students and MLAs

Yellowknifer editorial: Educating students and MLAs

If you’re looking to start an argument, ask a roomful of parents whether schools should be re-opened.
Yellowknifer editorial: TikTok, you’re on the clock

Yellowknifer editorial: TikTok, you’re on the clock

An X-ray is an effective window into the body’s internal structures.
Counsellor’s corner: On being yourself

Counsellor’s corner: On being yourself

When I first met people who had changed their names part-way through their lives, they weren’t part of the transgender community but part of the leftist-environmentalist diaspora in the oil-fuelled, cattle-studded city of Calgary. My friends named themselves after their favourite animals and the qualities they most respected in people. I remember my initial response as surprise, curiosity and an odd kind of judgement.
Yellowknifer editorial: Feeling cross because of ice-crossings

Yellowknifer editorial: Feeling cross because of ice-crossings

It’s become somewhat trendy over the past several years to acknowledge the historical usurping of Indigenous lands.
Opinion: Living with dignity, leave no one behind

Opinion: Living with dignity, leave no one behind

We often speak of ‘back to normal,’ a ‘reset,’ or ‘before the pandemic;’ however, was it that desirable?
News/North editorial: A rogue run

News/North editorial: A rogue run

Steve Norn is giving himself another chance.