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Tales from the Dump: Fireweed brings a prolific burst of colour

Tales from the Dump: Fireweed brings a prolific burst of colour

Along the Frame Lake Trail there are some pretty spectacular areas of fireweed, and some of the plants are taller than most people.
Labour views: Union takes direction from membership, not vice-versa

Labour views: Union takes direction from membership, not vice-versa

Summer is in full swing, and while many Northerners are enjoying the warm weather and hopefully some vacation time, the Union of Northern Workers is hard at work and as busy as ever.
When the Heart Says No: Dene Assembly Is Wonderful Reunion

When the Heart Says No: Dene Assembly Is Wonderful Reunion

A wonderful Dene reunion was held July 18 to 21 at the Wiliideh Site at the Yellowknife River.
Tales from the Dump: Making waves with new weather radio

Tales from the Dump: Making waves with new weather radio

I was a little sad, because the transistor weather radio I had owned for decades stopped working.
Northern Wildflower: Women and the Dene drum — a mystery

Northern Wildflower: Women and the Dene drum — a mystery

Lately I’ve been digging into the past, trying to find out if women ever played the drum in our Dene communities prior to colonial contact.
Tales from the Dump: Of dust devils and dervishes

Tales from the Dump: Of dust devils and dervishes

One hot summer day at the salvage area of the dump, a dust devil suddenly appeared.
Tales from the Dump: A duck pooped on my new dock

Tales from the Dump: A duck pooped on my new dock

“Oh boy, I get to pull some nails today.”
Notes from the Trail: Art brightens our world in many ways

Notes from the Trail: Art brightens our world in many ways

In her opening address at the Adaka Cultural Festival in Whitehorse last week, Governor General Mary Simon said the importance of arts in our society cannot be underestimated.
Air travel woes especially bad for the North

Air travel woes especially bad for the North

My family and I will be taking part in the national story du jour this week as hundreds of thousands of Canadians take to the skies for summer vacation.
Northern Wildflower: Challenging cultural norms

Northern Wildflower: Challenging cultural norms

This so-called Canada day got me thinking of the need to break free of over prescribed colonial cultural norms that society has been conditioned to conform to.