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Northern Wildflower: An unforgettable field trip

Northern Wildflower: An unforgettable field trip

Finally, I’m in my fourth and final year of law school and this semester our class got to be in a community on the northern tip of Vancouver Island for field school, where we were welcomed into the Big House.
Book review: Yellowknife author Joseph LaBine’s L297 deeply immersive

Book review: Yellowknife author Joseph LaBine’s L297 deeply immersive

L297, the debut short story collection by Yellowknifer Joseph LaBine, centres the fractured lives of eight memorable characters and the odd, hopeful habits they develop.
Labour Views: Listen to your workers

Labour Views: Listen to your workers

A common frustration we hear from union members experiencing workplace issues is a lack of meaningful engagement from senior management.
Tales from the Dump: What’s up with city hall’s steps?

Tales from the Dump: What’s up with city hall’s steps?

Well, it is certainly looking a whole lot like fall outside and the leaves are indeed falling at an alarming rate.
When the Heart Says No: Deline Women’s Healing Camp

When the Heart Says No: Deline Women’s Healing Camp

Jean and I recently spent a glorious eight days on the shores of Great Bear Lake delivering an on-the-land workshop called the Deline Women’s Healing Camp. Woohoo!
NWT Chamber of Commerce: Tourism sector in spotlight as visitors start to return

NWT Chamber of Commerce: Tourism sector in spotlight as visitors start to return

While tourists are slowly returning to the territory, moves are being made in the right direction to increase the enjoyment of their visits.
Tales From The Dump: Fall is on the horizon… and so are the election signs

Tales From The Dump: Fall is on the horizon… and so are the election signs

A good tracker learns to read the signs. The leaves on the trees are starting to change colour and fall to the ground. So, fall is here, even though it doesn’t officially arrive until Sept. 22 this year. I guess because we live in the North, it unofficially arrives a little early. To me, fall starts when I can no longer comfortably wear shorts.
Medicine stories: Remembering forward

Medicine stories: Remembering forward

What does it mean to bring the past, forward to the present, honouring lessons learned along the way towards integration and evolution, towards a future that represents each of us as nations, unique, individual, of value — dancing in our sacred ecstatic differences, utilizing economy, politic, and society as expressions of compassion, connection and freedom?
Minimum wage hikes are a fact of life, but need oversight, says NWT Chamber

Minimum wage hikes are a fact of life, but need oversight, says NWT Chamber

If you’re looking for a place where political interests collide with business, labour, academics and social justice groups, then it’s the minimum wage.
Memories of the North: Championing the Native Court Worker Program

Memories of the North: Championing the Native Court Worker Program

In 1974, regional communities had no voice regarding the onslaught of legislation passed in the new legislative assembly powers.