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Yellowknife Elks Lodge makes $10,000 donation to NWT SPCA

Yellowknife Elks Lodge makes $10,000 donation to NWT SPCA

The Yellowknife Elks Lodge put animal welfare at the forefront of its priorities this holiday season, making a $10,000 contribution to the NWT SPCA on Dec. 18.
Yellowknifer finds glass shards found in gifted chocolate

Yellowknifer finds glass shards found in gifted chocolate

An unwelcome surprise came wrapped in a box of chocolates for one recipient of a holiday gift from Territorial Beverages in Yellowknife.
Aurora College students will have to show vaccine proof starting in March

Aurora College students will have to show vaccine proof starting in March

Students attending Aurora College will have to prove they’re fully vaccinated starting March 1, college officials announced, Dec. 17.
Tales from the dump: Raven, troll and eggnog

Tales from the dump: Raven, troll and eggnog

Twas the day before Christmas, and all through the town, there was a hustle and a bustle going down. Some people were scurrying about, running errands, and doing some last-minute shopping. Others were driving around in big diesel four by fours, that rumbled and roared, like the fire breathing dragons of lore. There was no mistaking them.
Ecology North gearing up for annual Yellowknife Christmas bird count

Ecology North gearing up for annual Yellowknife Christmas bird count

Bird lovers of Yellowknife, dig out your binoculars, this year’s Christmas Bird Count is set for this weekend.
Premier Cochrane urges Prime Minister Trudeau to make Northwest Territories a ‘bigger priority’

Premier Cochrane urges Prime Minister Trudeau to make Northwest Territories a ‘bigger priority’

“It’s time to make the Northwest Territories a bigger priority.”
Dec. 13 Westjet flights flagged with Covid-19 exposure notice

Dec. 13 Westjet flights flagged with Covid-19 exposure notice

Westjet flights from Kelowna to Calgary and Calgary to Yellowknife on Dec. 13 have been flagged with a Covid-19 exposure risk notice.
NWT to take lead from BC on education overhaul: ECE

NWT to take lead from BC on education overhaul: ECE

The Northwest Territories (N.W.T.) is partnering with British Columbia (B.C.) for the renewal of the Junior Kindergarten to Grade 12 curriculum.
Covid-19 exposure at school in Dettah, Northwest Territories

Covid-19 exposure at school in Dettah, Northwest Territories

Public health officials say there was a Covid-19 exposure at Kaw Tay Whee School in Dettah Dec. 13 and 14 inclusive.
Yellowknife man charged with manslaughter in April 2020 suspicious death

Yellowknife man charged with manslaughter in April 2020 suspicious death

A charge has been laid regarding the suspicious death of a man in Yellowknife on Apr. 28, 2020.