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Inuvik Drum

Inuvik Drum December 8, 2021 edition

Inuvik Drum December 8, 2021 edition

Inuvik Drum editorial: Don’t let your guard down on Covid-19, Inuvik

Inuvik Drum editorial: Don’t let your guard down on Covid-19, Inuvik

With the holiday season upon us, our efforts to protect each other from the pandemic need to double.
New Warming Shelter weeks away from opening

New Warming Shelter weeks away from opening

Clients of the Inuvik Warming Shelter will soon have a new building to escape the deadly winter cold.
Mackenzie Ice road opens to light traffic

Mackenzie Ice road opens to light traffic

After a slow start to construction due to a warm start to the winter, the Mackenzie River Ice crossing is officially open for vehicles up to 6,000 kilograms.
Tuktoyaktuk down to three Covid-19 cases

Tuktoyaktuk down to three Covid-19 cases

Tuktoyaktuk is down to three active cases of Covid-19.
Blizzard shuts down flights to Paulatuk

Blizzard shuts down flights to Paulatuk

Flights in and out of Paulatuk were cancelled Dec. 7 as a blizzard set in to the community.
Tuktoyaktuk down to six Covid-19 cases

Tuktoyaktuk down to six Covid-19 cases

Tuktoyaktuk is down to six active cases of Covid-19, but there are now seven active cases in the Yellowknife area.
Tuktoyaktuk holds at 17 Covid-19 cases as Yellowknife sees five new cases

Tuktoyaktuk holds at 17 Covid-19 cases as Yellowknife sees five new cases

Tuktoyaktuk’s Covid-19 count is holding steady at 17 for the second day in a row, while the Yellowknife region has seen a jump of five cases.
Inuvik Drum December 2, 2021 edition

Inuvik Drum December 2, 2021 edition

Firefighters did their job, now it’s the community’s turn

Firefighters did their job, now it’s the community’s turn

I think we all owe the Town of Inuvik Fire Department a great big kudos for their efforts this past weekend putting down a huge fire that destroyed the Inuvik Warming Centre.