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In my view: Complacency fed by frustration

In my view: Complacency fed by frustration

Complacency is developed and is fed by frustration and not being heard.
When the heart says NO: Did Edjericon’s default affect you?

When the heart says NO: Did Edjericon’s default affect you?

Well, what do you know. CBC has reported that court documents show that Rick Edjericon owes the territorial government $113,000, yet he was able to run for and get elected as MLA for Tu Nedhé-Wiilideh. Whoa!
Sports Talk: As goes Russia into Ukraine, so goes their sports down the drain

Sports Talk: As goes Russia into Ukraine, so goes their sports down the drain

Anyone want to be a Russian athlete these days? Exactly.
Opinion: Facebook poster Chief Poitras sets addictions record straight

Opinion: Facebook poster Chief Poitras sets addictions record straight

When challenged on obvious failures, it’s sad to hear GNWT ministers sticking to poorly crafted scripts. I feel I have to say something and I think Dave Poitras, Chief of Salt River First Nation in Fort Smith, feels the same way.
Tales from the dump: A sign of the times

Tales from the dump: A sign of the times

It was symbolic, poignant and a little sad. One day at the dump I came across a wooden sign lying on the ground. It said “Compassion. Something we could all use more of.” It had been broken into pieces by a vehicle driving over it, so nothing to salvage and it would soon be buried in the dump with the other garbage. Perhaps this was an omen for our current times.
Hay River Hub editorial: Enduring volunteerism at K’amba Carnival a lesson in giving back

Hay River Hub editorial: Enduring volunteerism at K’amba Carnival a lesson in giving back

The K’amba Carnival kicks off this weekend for the 40th year and there is likely no better symbol to reflect on the importance of volunteers in our community.
Labour views: Emerging carefully

Labour views: Emerging carefully

The recent announcements about the lifting of covid-related restrictions are welcome news for many Northerners. Most of us have been looking forward to returning to “normal” and carrying on with our daily lives.
Nunavut News editorial: Elders are our most treasured resource

Nunavut News editorial: Elders are our most treasured resource

Whether in the home, in schools or interacting in the many workshops put on throughout the territory by dedicated staff and volunteers, our Elders are among the greatest treasures in society.
Northern wildflower: Moving on

Northern wildflower: Moving on

As I write I am in the middle of moving into a new house. I find moving to be so stressful. I feel out of sorts when my belongings are disorganized and in boxes. I don’t like chaos and that’s what moving is for me. I never realize just how much clutter I accumulate until I actually move.
Sports Talk: You know how they say twice is nice? Not if you’re Remi Lindholm …

Sports Talk: You know how they say twice is nice? Not if you’re Remi Lindholm …

Everyone wants to be famous for something, right? That includes David Eliuk.