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Medicine Stories: The interrupted harmony of state

Medicine Stories: The interrupted harmony of state

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Tales from the Dump: A penny for your thoughts

Tales from the Dump: A penny for your thoughts

I was walking down the sidewalk when, despite it being winter, I spotted a coin just sitting there on the ground.
Notes From the Trail: One person’s meme is another person’s purpose

Notes From the Trail: One person’s meme is another person’s purpose

When my friend showed me the meme, I thought, “Wow, someone is sure mean spirited.” It’s the thing about anonymous memes: you can create what you like and submit it without anyone knowing it was you.
Steve Ellis: Time for a premier with a sense of vision

Steve Ellis: Time for a premier with a sense of vision

Our new crop of MLAs didn’t let the dust settle after the territorial election before they started jostling for position on who would be premier.
Guest comment: Time to blow the whistle on the wolf bounty

Guest comment: Time to blow the whistle on the wolf bounty

Last winter, I ran into a young hunter at the North Slave office of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (now Environment and Climate Change). He was there to collect his bounty cheque: $2,400 for two dead wolves.
Medicine Stories: Conversations with my grandmothers and Buffy Sainte-Marie

Medicine Stories: Conversations with my grandmothers and Buffy Sainte-Marie

“But, is she Indigenous?” The directness of my aunties question startled me. I love her bold, often brash attitude, my dear Auntie — she’s always laughing, but when she first asked me, I was startled. I realized she was asking me as if I might have actually had answers. Many of us were, are, seeking understanding, but while I had thoughts, feelings, ideas, I didn’t have any concrete answers, and so, instead, we began to unpack, together.
Three ways to encourage kids to be more charitable and kind this holiday season

Three ways to encourage kids to be more charitable and kind this holiday season

With the holiday season just around the corner, families and households will soon be gathering to give and receive gifts. Many will also be sending donations to communities in crisis, and organizing charity events and food drives to help others.
Tom Weegar: A perspective on post-secondary education

Tom Weegar: A perspective on post-secondary education

Ever since the GNWT’s Aurora College Foundational Review report was released in 2018, there has been much interest in post-secondary education in the NWT. In particular, folks are interested in the transformation of Aurora College into a polytechnic university and how this will unfold.
Bevington: Let’s put rational plans first with electricity

Bevington: Let’s put rational plans first with electricity

The recent articles in NWT News/North in regard to the development of the Pine Point mineral resource project revealed a number of assumptions about the use of Taltson hydro power.
Tales from the Dump: Do we take the kids or the pets?

Tales from the Dump: Do we take the kids or the pets?

Sometime during our three-week evacuation, I am sure that some dogs and cats that were left behind got together for the occasional conversation.