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Notes from the Trail: Allow First Nations to heal themselves

Notes from the Trail: Allow First Nations to heal themselves

Treating addictions is not just about treating addicts. It is about treating the community.
City businesses find ways to cash in on Black Friday

City businesses find ways to cash in on Black Friday

For retailers, Black Friday sales mark the start of the Christmas shopping season.
$1.68 million diamond ring fashioned with Diavik centrepiece

$1.68 million diamond ring fashioned with Diavik centrepiece

A ring crafted from one of the finest gems to come from the Diavik diamond mine in the last 20 years was unveiled on Wednesday.
Memories of the North: Thrilled to be receiving the Order of Canada this week

Memories of the North: Thrilled to be receiving the Order of Canada this week

This week, I am headed to Ottawa to be honoured by our Governor General and be invested into the Order of Canada.
Confusion over preschool playground ‘ban’ for daycares

Confusion over preschool playground ‘ban’ for daycares

Daycare operators have been left scratching their heads due to the Department of Education, Culture and Employment’s (ECE) proposal to ban the use of outdoor playground equipment during the winter.
Yellowknife Scouts kicks off annual Christmas tree sale

Yellowknife Scouts kicks off annual Christmas tree sale

The evergreen tree is a familiar symbol of celebration that unites much of the world during the Christmas season. The brightly decorated trees, such as spruce, fir and pine, grace the homes of millions of people during the holidays.
Snow removal: ‘We did our best with the resources budgeted and allocated to us,’ says Yk’s public works director

Snow removal: ‘We did our best with the resources budgeted and allocated to us,’ says Yk’s public works director

Snow removal efforts from the city continue as some areas have not yet been reached for snow clearance.
Robbery suspect arrested following back alley chase downtown

Robbery suspect arrested following back alley chase downtown

The RCMP responded to a panic alarm from a business on 50 Street Tuesday and a plain-clothes officer drew his gun in the course of apprehending a robbery suspect after a back alley chase.
When the Heart Says No: Psst! Need some money for addictions counselling?

When the Heart Says No: Psst! Need some money for addictions counselling?

So, the Department of Health and Social Services has a $1-million fund to help communities hire counsellors, and they can’t seem to give the money away. Eschia, take it easy, eh.
Half of Canadians losing sleep over money woes: poll

Half of Canadians losing sleep over money woes: poll

Just 28% of B.C. residents are getting enough sleep