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Previous world record for biggest lake trout from Great Bear Lake broken

Previous world record for biggest lake trout from Great Bear Lake broken

Local biologist Paul Vecsei highlights the beauty of father-son duo from Colorado releasing record-sized fish
RCMP negotiate 7 hours with knife wielding man who barricaded himself in a residence

RCMP negotiate 7 hours with knife wielding man who barricaded himself in a residence

Yellowknife RCMP and the G Division Critical Incident Program diffused a situation involving a man going through an intense mental-health crisis.
Prime Time declared winners of 2023 Main Stage Showdown

Prime Time declared winners of 2023 Main Stage Showdown

Prime Time, a local band, were declared the winners of 2023 Main Stage Showdown hosted by Folk On The Rocks.
Aurora College students turn a new page

Aurora College students turn a new page

Aurora College celebrated their students by awarding them certificates, degrees and diplomas.
Dozens of bins of clothing prepared by Salvation Army for another disaster

Dozens of bins of clothing prepared by Salvation Army for another disaster

Jason Brinson, the executive director of the Salvation Army in the NWT, said that they have 80 to 90 bins of clothing ready to go in case of another disaster.
GNWT stumps up funding to NWT Power Corporation

GNWT stumps up funding to NWT Power Corporation

The GNWT is spending $15.2 million on the Northwest Territories Power Corporation (NTPC) to alleviate fuel costs accumulated over the last year and a half.
Yellowknife artist creates ‘touching’ artwork

Yellowknife artist creates ‘touching’ artwork

Robyn Scott, artist and teacher at Ecole Sir John Franklin High School, has created a set of artwork on display at The Gallery on 47th Street.
Ja-pain for sale six years after winning Win Your Space YK contest

Ja-pain for sale six years after winning Win Your Space YK contest

The city’s first winner of the Win Your Space YK contest, Ja-pain, has gone up for sale.
Emma Taylor wins RBC Best of Region Award at Skills Canada

Emma Taylor wins RBC Best of Region Award at Skills Canada

Emma Taylor, a resident of Yellowknife, won the RBC Best of Region Award for the Northwest Territories and second place in hairstyling during Skills Canada competition in Winnipeg.
Three realtors give their take on the Yellowknife housing market

Three realtors give their take on the Yellowknife housing market

So what does the housing market in Yellowknife look like right now?