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Complaint lodged against Northwest Territories MLA Jackie Jacobson by Speaker of House dismissed

Complaint lodged against Northwest Territories MLA Jackie Jacobson by Speaker of House dismissed

A complaint against Nunakput MLA Jackie Jacobson has been dismissed by the Legislative Assembly’s integrity commissioner.
Not so sweet, the honey bucket still has a niche in Yellowknife

Not so sweet, the honey bucket still has a niche in Yellowknife

Despite the many modern advancements we see today, a modest number of Northerners still cling to the ‘honey bag’ or ‘honey bucket.’
Holiday Lights Competition winners chosen

Holiday Lights Competition winners chosen

The City of Yellowknife and Northland Utilities announced the 2021 season’s Holiday Lights Competition winners on Wednesday.
Yellowknife area Covid-19 cases up by 54 in one day

Yellowknife area Covid-19 cases up by 54 in one day

The territorial government announced a slew of new exposure sights in Yellowknife, Jan. 5 which include both in-bound flights and community spread.
Lettuce have it: delayed deliveries leave Yellowknife produce shelves bare

Lettuce have it: delayed deliveries leave Yellowknife produce shelves bare

A knot in the supply chain caused some shelves to go bare in the produce sections of Yellowknife grocers this week.
Covid info services ‘a communication mess,’ MLA says

Covid info services ‘a communication mess,’ MLA says

Three days before Christmas, Robert Anderson found out there had been a case of Covid-19 at his workplace, Giant Mine.
Court stalls in Yellowknife after staff member tests positive for Covid-19

Court stalls in Yellowknife after staff member tests positive for Covid-19

An employee at the Yellowknife courthouse tested positive for Covid-19, halting proceedings the morning of Jan. 5.
Notes from the trail: Seeking the greater good in each other

Notes from the trail: Seeking the greater good in each other

If Christmas 2021 was different from Christmas 2020, it’s because this year we realized we weren’t all in this together. That was both the heartbreak and the place of deep anger.
Yellowknife closes recreational facilities in response to new public health order

Yellowknife closes recreational facilities in response to new public health order

The City of Yellowknife has closed its recreation facilities in response to a new public health order.
Fort Resolution ’60s Scoop survivor seeks Tu Nedhé-Wiilideh seat

Fort Resolution ’60s Scoop survivor seeks Tu Nedhé-Wiilideh seat

With the Tu Nedhé-Wiilideh byelection nomination deadline fast approaching, one Fort Resolution resident is taking to the campaign trail.