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Inuvik Drum

IN PHOTOS: Great Northern Arts Festival returns to its full glory

IN PHOTOS: Great Northern Arts Festival returns to its full glory

Inuvik’s premiere summer festival, the Great Northern Arts Festival, was back in full action this year after a subdued 2021 and missing 2020 during the Covid-19 pandemic. Held July 8 to 17, the festival connected artists and art lovers to learn and collaborate on their creations. There were nightly performances and public sales throughout the week. Eric Bowling/NNSL photo
High food and fuel costs hinder family beluga harvests

High food and fuel costs hinder family beluga harvests

Every year, Melissa Rogers and her family go out to their whaling camp near East Whitefish station.
Families come together to learn mother tongues in third year of Mentor-Apprentice program

Families come together to learn mother tongues in third year of Mentor-Apprentice program

Among the many learning-pairs taking part in this year’s Mentor Apprentice Program, there is one clear common opinion.
Decades old fuel spill discovered in Mackenzie River

Decades old fuel spill discovered in Mackenzie River

An oil sheen seen along the Mackenzie River recently is likely decades old, says Northwest Territories Power Corporation.
Inuvialuit Regional Corporation rejects Papal invite, calls for ‘a real approach to reconciliation’

Inuvialuit Regional Corporation rejects Papal invite, calls for ‘a real approach to reconciliation’

Inuvialuit Regional Corporation will not send a delegation to meet the Pope during his July 29 visit to Iqaluit, Nunavut, openly questioning the commitment of the Catholic Church to righting the wrongs committed to Indigenous and Inuit peoples of Turtle Island.
Trio of Texans planning to kayak from Pond Inlet to Tuktoyaktuk

Trio of Texans planning to kayak from Pond Inlet to Tuktoyaktuk

There’s adventures that are fun. There’s adventures that are difficult but reward.
Editorial: Mentor Apprentice Program a MAP to success others should follow

Editorial: Mentor Apprentice Program a MAP to success others should follow

It’s no secret a lot of initiatives to improve life in the north have fizzled out.
Inuvik Food Bank moving into John Wayne Kiktorak building

Inuvik Food Bank moving into John Wayne Kiktorak building

Inuvik Food Bank is on the move.
Inuvik Drum news briefs

Inuvik Drum news briefs

Learn to paint with Brian Kowikchuk
Inuvik Drum Art Showcase: A painting of Inuvialuit whalers by Karin Lange

Inuvik Drum Art Showcase: A painting of Inuvialuit whalers by Karin Lange

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