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Inuvik Drum

NWT Wildfire: Hay River fire overwhelms defenses, running parallel to highway

NWT Wildfire: Hay River fire overwhelms defenses, running parallel to highway

Hay River/Kakisa Wildfire SS052 has overwhelmed firefighting efforts and is now running parallel to the highway.
NWT wildfires: Homeless evacuees in Calgary advised to phone ‘311’

NWT wildfires: Homeless evacuees in Calgary advised to phone ‘311’

People who have been kicked out of hotels in Calgary should phone 311 to be directed to a shelter, say Alberta’s provincial political leaders.
NWT wildfires: Yellowknife school delayed until at least Sept. 6

NWT wildfires: Yellowknife school delayed until at least Sept. 6

School’s out for… September?
Great Slave MLA Katrina Nokleby returns to Yellowknife as advisor to Ndilo chief; YKDFN says otherwise

Great Slave MLA Katrina Nokleby returns to Yellowknife as advisor to Ndilo chief; YKDFN says otherwise

UPDATE: NNSL has asked Katrina Nokleby for evidence she was working with incoming Dettah Chief Ernest Betsina. She said she stands by her statements and that everything she said was true.
Gwich’in Tribal Council hands forensic audit of community governments to RCMP

Gwich’in Tribal Council hands forensic audit of community governments to RCMP

Gwich’in Tribal Council Grand Chief Ken Kyikavichik says the organization is undergoing a forensic audit of its community governments and is suspicious that other Gwich’in have dipped into the cash.
EDITORIAL: Stop blaming the government for climate change

EDITORIAL: Stop blaming the government for climate change

There’s been a lot of finger pointing towards the GNWT over the disastrous wildfires that have rocked the NWT over the past few weeks.
NWT Wildfires: What you need to know as of 11 a.m. Aug. 24

NWT Wildfires: What you need to know as of 11 a.m. Aug. 24

Author’s note: To ensure you only have to look at one place to get all the information you need, I’m including earlier points in each update. Older information will be dated to avoid potential confusion.
Inuvik Mayor voices support for IRC Child Care Law

Inuvik Mayor voices support for IRC Child Care Law

Inuvik Mayor Clarence Wood has added his voice in support of the Inuvialuit Regional Corporation’s fight to implement its first law.
NWT Wildfires: Hay River fires held at bay for another night

NWT Wildfires: Hay River fires held at bay for another night

Wildfires around Hay River are holding but officials warn weather can change quickly.
NWT Wildfires: Wood Buffalo Complex creeps closer to Fort Fitzgerald

NWT Wildfires: Wood Buffalo Complex creeps closer to Fort Fitzgerald

Wildfires on the NWT-Alberta border have crept further south, but the risk to NWT communities remain the same.