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Labour Views: We must avoid Donny Days 2.0

Labour Views: We must avoid Donny Days 2.0

Costs are rising sharply these days, but one thing that isn’t rising is the wages workers need to keep up with those increases.
Danny McNeely: Digging our way out of environmental mayhem

Danny McNeely: Digging our way out of environmental mayhem

(Norman Wells resident Danny McNeely is a former MLA for the Sahtu. This is the second half of a guest column on the NWT economy.)
MLA Kevin O’Reilly: Cabinet’s approach to new carbon tax is totally unfair

MLA Kevin O’Reilly: Cabinet’s approach to new carbon tax is totally unfair

(Kevin O’Reilly is the MLA for Frame Lake.)
Northern Wildflower: Cultural home-based businesses should be none of the GNWT’s business

Northern Wildflower: Cultural home-based businesses should be none of the GNWT’s business

Recently, a news article about housing policies that do not allow residents to operate their own home-based businesses made headlines.
Providing service to Yellowknife’s winter monarch

Providing service to Yellowknife’s winter monarch

On Wednesday morning, I went onto the frozen Yellowknife Bay to see Tony Foliot, the Snow King, so I could learn about the snow castle that he builds every year.
Notes from the Trail: Allow First Nations to heal themselves

Notes from the Trail: Allow First Nations to heal themselves

Treating addictions is not just about treating addicts. It is about treating the community.
Memories of the North: Thrilled to be receiving the Order of Canada this week

Memories of the North: Thrilled to be receiving the Order of Canada this week

This week, I am headed to Ottawa to be honoured by our Governor General and be invested into the Order of Canada.
When the Heart Says No: Psst! Need some money for addictions counselling?

When the Heart Says No: Psst! Need some money for addictions counselling?

So, the Department of Health and Social Services has a $1-million fund to help communities hire counsellors, and they can’t seem to give the money away. Eschia, take it easy, eh.
Labour Views: Combat gender-based violence

Labour Views: Combat gender-based violence

There is no city or community on this land, Canada, or across the world, immune from this crisis: gender-based violence.
Advancing economic independence in the Northwest Territories

Advancing economic independence in the Northwest Territories

Norman Wells resident Danny McNeely is a former MLA for the Sahtu. This is the first half of a guest column on the NWT economy.