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Tales from the Dump: More sunlight creeping in day by day

Tales from the Dump: More sunlight creeping in day by day

Time, it is a changing
Guest comment: Family-sponsored territorial immigration program to address labour shortages and reunite families much needed in NWT

Guest comment: Family-sponsored territorial immigration program to address labour shortages and reunite families much needed in NWT

The NWT is a stunning land of vast landscapes and a rich cultural heritage.
Memories of the North: Canada well populated before contact

Memories of the North: Canada well populated before contact

Singer Jully Black caused a tizzy throughout Canada with her use of the words “our home on Native land” rather than the accepted “our home and native land.”
Labour views: Public wages should be public

Labour views: Public wages should be public

“My taxes pay your salary!” It’s a common theme you hear in conversations about public sector workers. Of course, how taxation is linked to wages is not always that simple, but the public does have a right to know how public funds – no matter what sources they come from – are spent.
Tales from the Dump: Get ready for norovirus

Tales from the Dump: Get ready for norovirus

Viruses may be small, but they’re feisty
When the Heart Says No: Number of NWT sexual assaults is alarming

When the Heart Says No: Number of NWT sexual assaults is alarming

Eleven sexual assaults per day estimated in NWT
Miltenberger: If I were premier

Miltenberger: If I were premier

Steps to take for upcoming politicians
Valpy: Premier must apologize for breaching MLAs’ treaty oath

Valpy: Premier must apologize for breaching MLAs’ treaty oath

Let’s talk about the raid by wildlife officers on people gathered at Timber Bay on Artillery Lake, Sept. 13, 2022. There had been a report of illegally harvested caribou and meat wastage in what’s called a mobile (which means it can move with the caribou) no-hunting zone. The officers helicoptered in with a search warrant that made everyone a suspect and subject to search.
Advice: Revitalizing the way love is expressed

Advice: Revitalizing the way love is expressed

I used to wonder why I’d get so upset when help wasn’t received despite my voice being loud and clear. Why I’d toss gifts aside when all I wanted was human touch. Now I know.
Strikes may result in a little inconvenience

Strikes may result in a little inconvenience

From: Jessica Davey-Quantick,