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Total tax burden compromises more than five months of income: report

Total tax burden compromises more than five months of income: report

Have you ever heard of Tax Freedom Day?
Tales From The Dump: Lead by example and pick up some litter

Tales From The Dump: Lead by example and pick up some litter

I pick up litter. That’s what I do. And I do it almost every time I go out for a walk.
How Indigenous cultural practices can improve waste management in communities

How Indigenous cultural practices can improve waste management in communities

Improper municipal solid waste (MSW) management ranks high among environmental issues First Nations communities in Canada face.
Straight From The Heart: World Elder Abuse Awareness Day

Straight From The Heart: World Elder Abuse Awareness Day

June 15 has been designated World Elder Abuse Awareness Day since 2006. People around the world raise awareness of Elder abuse through events to share information and promote services that help increase seniors’ safety and well-being.
Michael Miltenberger: Creating the conditions for change

Michael Miltenberger: Creating the conditions for change

The July 5, 6, and 7 energy conference being organized by the GNWT can be a step in the right direction.
Tales From The Dump: Why are people seemingly losing their clothes?

Tales From The Dump: Why are people seemingly losing their clothes?

One category of litter which I find occasionally is clothing. How does one lose their clothes and not know it? I find this a little perplexing and I am surprised more people aren’t walking around naked — so many clothes seem to get shed and discarded in our city. Outerwear, innerwear, overwear and, yes, even underwear.
Michael Miltenberger: Too soon old, too late smart

Michael Miltenberger: Too soon old, too late smart

There is a saying I grew up hearing: ‘Too soon old, too late smart”, that I have come to understand applies not just to people but to governments.
Notes From The Trail: The new, abnormal norm of climate change

Notes From The Trail: The new, abnormal norm of climate change

At this time of writing there are currently 77 wildfires burning in Alberta. Half of those are out of control. And, at this very minute, they are preparing to evacuate the small community of Edson in the west central corner of the province.
Darrell Taylor: Yes, God really does love you

Darrell Taylor: Yes, God really does love you

I grew up in a rugged Northern Ontario mining town where fighting was a spectator sport. It looked very similar to Yellowknife with buildings perched on the Cambrian shield rocks.
Wires that Sputter a ‘truly architectural’ work

Wires that Sputter a ‘truly architectural’ work

Wires that Sputter is a collection of poetry by Britta Badour, known also as Britta B., that explodes onto the page.