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Darrell Taylor: What can we learn from near-death experiences?

Darrell Taylor: What can we learn from near-death experiences?

It’s been an exciting summer. Maybe a little too exciting for many because of the fires.
Early indicators of dementia: Five behaviour changes to look for after age 50

Early indicators of dementia: Five behaviour changes to look for after age 50

Dementia is often thought of as a memory problem, like when an elderly person asks the same questions or misplaces things. In reality, individuals with dementia will not only experience issues in other areas of cognition like learning, thinking, comprehension and judgement, but they may also experience changes in behaviour.
Notes from the Trail: Homelessness lurks for many, and it came for me

Notes from the Trail: Homelessness lurks for many, and it came for me

Our major household project started going downhill in May.
Unleashing the power of intelligent automation at NWT Chamber event

Unleashing the power of intelligent automation at NWT Chamber event

Staying on top of emerging trends and technologies can be key to the success of any business in today’s fast-changing economy.
Tales from the dump: What happens next time we abandon ship?

Tales from the dump: What happens next time we abandon ship?

Amid the chaos and confusion of Yellowknife’s first ever mass evacuation, by road and by plane, for some strange reason my mind kept visiting the tale of the sinking of the Titanic. It was a rather famous ship which sank on April 12, 1912. That was a long, long, time ago.
Medicine Stories: Dene fire sciences — medicine for the land

Medicine Stories: Dene fire sciences — medicine for the land

I dreamed of the people, gathering at the centre of the Sahtu, Great Bear Lake — fires spread all across the territory, making it the only safe place to be.
How long will a loved one live? It’s difficult to hear, but harder not to know

How long will a loved one live? It’s difficult to hear, but harder not to know

Planning for the future is difficult for people living with a life-limiting illness. Clinicians, based on their experience, can offer broad estimates of survival — in days to weeks, weeks to months, or months to years. However, patients and their care partners often want greater precision when arranging or making decisions about their care.
Entrepreneurs are facing a mental health crisis — here’s how to help them

Entrepreneurs are facing a mental health crisis — here’s how to help them

Mental health is a pressing concern in the startup community.
Labour Views: The role of unions in reconciliation

Labour Views: The role of unions in reconciliation

We all have a role to play in Reconciliation
Steve Ellis: Yellowknife can’t just think of itself during emergencies

Steve Ellis: Yellowknife can’t just think of itself during emergencies

Like most of the families that had to evacuate, we hemmed and hawed until the last minute about what we were going to do. We considered driving south, but we had no idea where to go. We thought about buying plane tickets, but the expense was way too much for our family of five. In a moment of sleepless clarity in the middle of the night before we left, my wife and I decided that it was best if we evacuated to Lutsel K’e by boat.