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No raises for MLAs this year, despite urging of some members

No raises for MLAs this year, despite urging of some members

Members of the Legislative Assembly won’t be getting any raises this year, although some members felt they ought to get a top-up.
Former Deline Wellness Centre to be converted into ten affordable housing units

Former Deline Wellness Centre to be converted into ten affordable housing units

The former Deline Wellness Centre will soon be converted into affordable housing units.
Yellowknife folk artist mobilizes in support of Ukrainian refugees

Yellowknife folk artist mobilizes in support of Ukrainian refugees

Four squadrons of freshly-painted, hand-built aircraft alighted in the Wall Mart parking lot on May 20. No, your family didn’t miss a poorly-promoted DIY airshow - these rustic model Cessnas were on a quiet mission to support one family from among the more than 6.5 million Ukrainians displaced by Putin’s ongoing war of aggression.
Antoine will not seek third term as NTHSSA Leadership Council Chair

Antoine will not seek third term as NTHSSA Leadership Council Chair

Jim Antoine, the former premier of the Northwest Territories, will not serve a third term as chairperson of the Northwest Territories Health and Social Services Authority (NTHSSA) Leadership Council.
Monday fire causes extensive damage to Cambridge Bay Youth Centre

Monday fire causes extensive damage to Cambridge Bay Youth Centre

Cambridge Bay RCMP and the Fire Department responded to a flame at the community’s youth centre Monday morning.
Hay River Soaring Eagle Friendship Centre to host free meal service May 25

Hay River Soaring Eagle Friendship Centre to host free meal service May 25

The Soaring Eagle Friendship Centre (SEFC) is opening its doors for a free breakfast, lunch and dinner service on Wednesday, May 25.
Hay River Ski Club tackles trail damage without government help

Hay River Ski Club tackles trail damage without government help

‘We’re basically on our own to reclaim our trails’ said trail supervisor
Hay River resident making 14-hour round trips to deliver flood-relief supplies

Hay River resident making 14-hour round trips to deliver flood-relief supplies

Joe Melanson has made three 14-hour round trips from Yellowknife to Hay River in as many days, and he’s not stopping yet. Melanson, a board member of the Soaring Eagle Friendship Centre, has been donating his time to bring flood relief supplies to those who need it most in his community.
Water service from Lift Station #1 now operational

Water service from Lift Station #1 now operational

First major step in town’s ‘long, long recovery phase’
Sewer system still out as Hay River starts ‘long, long recovery’

Sewer system still out as Hay River starts ‘long, long recovery’

Hay River is in a state of recovery, the town’s senior administrative officer Glenn Smith said, May 22.