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Bank of Canada hikes key rate by half percentage point, signals possible pause

Bank of Canada hikes key rate by half percentage point, signals possible pause

The Bank of Canada hiked its key interest rate by half a percentage point Wednesday to 4.25 per cent — the highest it’s been since January 2008 — while signalling it may pause its aggressive rate hike cycle.
NWT MP says Bill C-21 must not impede rights of Northern hunters

NWT MP says Bill C-21 must not impede rights of Northern hunters

The federal government’s proposed legislation that aims in part to prohibit hundreds of previously legal firearms may be called for a final vote as soon as this month, but NWT MP Michael McLeod says he is not yet satisfied with the bill in its current form.
Explosion and fire causes destruction of home on Dagenais Drive

Explosion and fire causes destruction of home on Dagenais Drive

A Yellowknife family is lucky to be alive after a frightening incident at their home on Dagenais Drive.
Co-payment no longer required for GNWT emergency housing repairs program

Co-payment no longer required for GNWT emergency housing repairs program

Those in need of the territorial government’s Emergency Repair program for housing are no longer being forced to provide a co-payment, the GNWT announced on Monday.
Eggenbergers give record $1-million personal donation to Stanton Territorial Hospital Foundation

Eggenbergers give record $1-million personal donation to Stanton Territorial Hospital Foundation

The Stanton Territorial Hospital Foundation is celebrating what it’s calling a “remarkable gift,” a $1-million donation from Yellowknife’s Albert and Gladys Eggenberger and family, marking the largest personal gift to the foundation in its history.
TUK M-18 access road delayed until next year

TUK M-18 access road delayed until next year

Navigating regulatory hurdles has delayed plans for the resumption of the TUK M-18 natural gas well.
GNWT playground ‘ban’ directive clarified

GNWT playground ‘ban’ directive clarified

The Department of Education Culture and Employment has clarified the confusion it caused through a Nov. 24 letter to licensed daycare operators, informing them at the time to refrain from having children use outdoor playground equipment.
Realtors discuss the state of YK real estate

Realtors discuss the state of YK real estate

Yellowknifer asked real estate agencies about the housing market in Yellowknife and their predictions of the direction it will move in the coming months and years.
Kinngait hamlet warns of lockout if union insists on wage increases or more financial benefits

Kinngait hamlet warns of lockout if union insists on wage increases or more financial benefits

The Hamlet of Kinngait says its latest proposal to the Nunavut Employees Union (NEU) for a collective agreement is a good one that values its employees given current circumstances and resources.
Inuvik Drum Community Art Showcase: Hydroponic Garden Tower Poster, by Rita Garaba

Inuvik Drum Community Art Showcase: Hydroponic Garden Tower Poster, by Rita Garaba

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