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What to know about Saturday's airshow

Snowbirds and Skyhawks set to perform
 Lt.-Col. Steve Thompson explained that because the military ramp and hangar at the Yellowknife Airport are under maintenance, which is the area usually used by spectators, airshow visitors can instead gather at Somba K'e Park on Saturday. NNSL file photo

If you start noticing more people falling out of the sky than usual in the coming days, have no fear. It most likely has something to do with the Royal Canadian Air Force celebrating its 100th anniversary with an airshow in Yellowknife.

The show is happening at Somba K’e Park on Saturday and is expected to last from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. In that time, the event will feature demonstrations from the Canadian Armed Forces SkyHawks, a parachute team that will land in the park. 

They're also having a "non-aerobatic display" of the Snowbirds. According to the profile page on the Government of Canada's website, the Snowbirds are an air demonstration squadron comprising Canadian Armed Forces members and National Defence public service employees. 

Non-aerobatic, in this case, still means Yellowknifers can expect to see planes in the air. Lt.-Col. Steve Thompson explained that because the military ramp and hangar at the Yellowknife Airport are under maintenance, which are normally used as a spectator area, they had to relocate to Somba K'e Park for the airshow.

"We can't do aerobatics over buildings and population," he explained.

Instead, the Snowbirds will be passing by in multiple, choreographed formations for people to see. Thompson noted that they do similar things for concerts.

"It is an impressive display, it's just not a display that people will be used to seeing."

As for the SkyHawks, Thompson said it won't be the first time they've jumped out of a plane and landed in the park — they did just that back in 2012. 

"For them, they're used to jumping in school fields and stuff like that," Thompson said. "It's 50 metres by 50 metres, so if you think of it, it's half of a football field. So, it's significant enough for them to get into."

If people can't make it to the park, they can still watch the Snowbirds from basically anywhere they'd watch the fireworks for New Year's Eve, from the Co-op parking lot or anywhere along Frame Lake trail. Spectators will able to see the SkyHawks descend from those locations too, but they'll miss seeing boots hitting the ground, Thompson pointed out.

Various Canadian Armed Forces static displays and personnel are also going to be at the park, according to a news release. There will also be an obstacle course for kids to try, Thompson mentioned.

"There will be some face-painting for camouflage paint, stuff for kids to do all around that area," he said.

Thompson added that the Snowbirds and SkyHawks will be at Somba K’e Park to sign autographs from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m.





About the Author: Devon Tredinnick

Devon Tredinnick is a reporter for NNSL Media. Originally from Ottawa, he's also a recent journalism graduate from Carleton University.
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