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SNOW TRAIL TALES: Here comes the sun


Welcome back warmer weather and sunshine. We’ve been waiting a long time and now comes the best of the sledding season. Take advantage of it because there will soon be melting due to the sun’s new found intensity.

The portages between Duck Lake and Jennejohn are rough but short. Jennejohn is drifted, however, you can cross at a good pace. Watch for an ice ridge running north-south on the east side of the lake about three quarters of the way across. The ridge is not large but there are chunks of ice you don’t want to hit. Additional ice ridges have been noted near Hideaway Island on Yellowknife Bay so if headed towards the Hay Lake trail or following along the east side of the bay, watch out.

The portage north of Long Lake is rough but further portages are in better shape. My trip through Martin Lake and Landing was great; lots of untouched snow for you carvers. I followed TerraX’s plowed road through Daigle and Milner and noted a large area being flooded. The trail north from Milner to Banting looked as if it hadn’t been travelled this year so if you’re looking for unspoiled terrain you best head there this weekend. Just give the work crews a wide berth.

I am happy to report that the Seismic Loop is still in excellent condition and so too are the groomed trails around town. The recent snowfalls were light but are definitely helping the conditions.

Kam Lake South through to Mac Lake and Great Slave is very rough so take your time. The larger lakes are becoming wind drifted tough but are still passable. Great Slave is rough but Yellowknife Bay is not bad at all.

A dangerous log is still poking out along one of the portages between Powder Point and Hidden lake so be careful. The GSSA has focused its trail maintenance on gravel so far this year and will likely be out working on the Kam Lake to Yellowknife Bay trail again this Saturday. If you know of any trails that need some attention please let us know at As the weather warms the GSSA will have volunteer crews out clearing brush.

The GSSA has mapped out most of the local ice roads so if you would like to see the extent of the ice road network visit our website. Trail maps and GPS coordinates are available to members only so join the GSSA; we will keep you informed and provide discounts with YK’s local vendors. I save money by being a member.

The GSSA travelled out to Reid Lake last Sunday for the Diva’s Ride. It was an amazing day to be on the trails and the conditions past Jennejohn were excellent. Tons of fresh powder and our riders have the trail well packed for whomever follows. The Diva’s could not have picked a better day.

Upcoming GSSA events include the March 11 ride to Hearne Lake Lodge and our Making Trax rally on April 7. Most of the rally’s proceeds will go to Aven’s and Yellowknife Search and Rescue. These GSSA events are open to all riders. Details of all GSSA events can be found on our website or our Facebook page.

Have a great weekend and hope to see you on the trail.