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Ruth Inch Memorial Pool to reopen Oct. 9

Gabriel Leclerc heads for the wall during one of his butterfly races in the Konge Construction Spring Meet at the Ruth Inch Memorial Pool on May 12.

The six-month wait for anxious swimmers will be soon be over as the Ruth Inch Memorial Pool (RIMP) will be filled Friday and is scheduled to reopen on Oct. 9.

The chief public health officer gave approval to open the pool, under specific guidelines and with additional safety measures, according to a news release from the City of Yellowknife on Friday.

Reopening procedures such as filling the pool, treating and reheating the water, installing the appropriate safety signage, recertifying staff and completing tasks related to public health orders will take about two weeks.

Other details on the reopening, including how to sign-up to use the facility, and the additional health and safety requirements are to be found on the city’s website and through social media.

The Ruth Inch Memorial Pool will reopen on Oct. 9, the City of Yellowknife said on Friday.
Daron Letts/NNSL photo