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Pantomime premieres next week

An old British tradition is making a return to Yellowknife.

The Parcel of Rouges theatre production group is encouraging the community to attend this year's pantomime adaptation of Snow White and The Seven Dwarfs taking place from Nov. 23 to 25.

A pantomime is a Christmas tradition which deviates from normal performance. It allows audience members to engage with the actors on stage and alters the plot of the original play to include references to current-day issues and events.

photo courtesy/ parcel of rouges
Actresses for the upcoming Snow White : a pantomime theatre production rehearse a scene at the Northern Arts and Cultural Centre
(November 13, 2017)

This is the second pantomime to grace the Northern Arts and Cultural Centre stage, in as many years.

Following last year's Cinderella performance, NACC member Lynn Elkin said the Parcel of Rouges are hoping to continue the pantomime's popularity this time around.

“In five days we sold 150 tickets,” said Elkin. “Usually Yellowknifers don't like to buy until a few days before ... I think that shows how well Cinderella did.”

The script of the show is created by Yellowknifer Kira Hall. She has written and puppeteered in Toronto for the last six-years and said although the plots of the pantomimes are different, the idea remains the same.
“Snow White lends itself to pantomime differently,” said Hall. “With Cinderella there are so many elements to the production which are easy to write a pantomime for ... however, the Dwarfs are such personalities in Snow White that it works.”

A native of Yellowknife, Hall said no matter where she works, home will always be a priority.

“If I could work in Yellowknife I would be there in a heartbeat.”

There are two variations of show scheduled for The Snow White pantomime, a general admission 7:30 p.m. show and a show titled “naughty at nine,” which will feature content intended for mature audiences.

“We are not going to be crude,” said Elkin.

There are six shows slated for the Nov. 23 weekend.

Tickets for the Snow White: a pantomime can be purchased at the NACC box office or on their website. The cost is $18.