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Paddling Club starts winter pool sessions

Meaghan Richens/NNSL photo. December 15, 2018. From left: Denis Lord, Dani Dickson and James Hodson practiced their strokes during the kayak winter pool session at Ruth Inch Memorial Pool on Saturday.

The Somba K'e Paddling Club held the first of its kayak winter pool sessions on Saturday.

“It's usually pretty open, we just try to teach people that are new to kayaking how to get comfortable in the water and how to do it safely and try to get people to work towards learning how to do the roll and good paddling strokes,” said James Hodson, treasurer of the Somba K'e Paddling Club.

Meaghan Richens/NNSL photo.
December 15, 2018.
From left: Denis Lord, Dani Dickson and James Hodson practiced their strokes during the kayak winter pool session at Ruth Inch Memorial Pool on Saturday.

“We usually play kayak polo as well. It's probably the best way to learn actually because you're playing a game, and you're not thinking about paddling, you're just doing it,” he said.

The paddling club hosts the pool sessions every year, as a way to give people a refresher before they head out on lakes and rivers in the spring.

“We usually start November, December-ish and then go until April. It's the best place to learn kayaking probably because it's warm and safe,” said Hodson.

The sessions are open to anyone who wants to try them.

“We have a few kids kayaks, we have adult kayaks,” he said. “It's ten dollars to come out and ten dollars to be a member so it's pretty cheap.”

The next session will be held at Ruth Inch Memorial Pool on January 12 at 8:00 p.m.