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NWT aviation companies to receive $20 million in Covid assistance: GNWT

Canadian North merger 3

Aviation companies in the NWT will receive $20.15 million in support to continue essential air services during the pandemic, according to a news release Thursday from the Department of Executive and Indigenous Affairs.

Transport Canada will provide $17.12 million of the allocation, with the GNWT contributing $3.02 million.

It is part of a $75 million program from the federal government in support of essential air services to remote communities between July 1 and Dec. 31.

Air Tindi's floatbase on Mitchell Drive. Meaghan Richens/NNSL photo.
Air Tindi will receive $1,753,000 for its share of the $20 million allocated for NWT aviation companies during the pandemic. NNSL file photo.

For fixed wing aircraft, the funding breaks down as follows: Canadian North will receive $9.3 million, Summit Air and Air Tindi will each get $1.7 million, Aklak Air will receive $1.5 million, Buffalo Airways will get $740,000, North-Wright Airways will receive $611,000, Northwestern Air Lease $580,000, South Nahanni Airways will receive $272,000, Landa Aviation will get $158,000, Adlair Aviation $82,000, Ahmic Air will receive $79,000, Simpson Air $45,000, and Hoarfrost River Huskies will receive $42,000.

For rotary wing operators, $1.3 million will go to Acasta Heliflight, Great Slave Helicopters will receive $1.1 million, Denendeh Helicopters will get $240,000, Sahtu Helicopters will receive $112,000, Dehcho Helicopters will get $111,000, K'ahsho Got'ine Helicopters will get $87,000 and Gwich'in Helicopters will receive $61,000.

"This funding demonstrates the shared commitment of the GNWT and the Government of Canada to ensure that all Canadians—including those in our most remote communities—continue to have access to essential goods and services throughout the pandemic," said Caroline Wawzonek, Minister of Finance. "I would like to thank the Minister of Transport, the Honourable Marc Garneau; the Minister of Northern Affairs; the Honourable Daniel Vandal; and the Minister of Indigenous Services, the Honourable Marc Miller for their ongoing commitment to the residents, businesses and community of the Northwest Territories."

The latest funding for NWT aviation comes on top of $8.7 million from the federal government in May and $2.9 million from the GNWT in June.

Previous support also includes the waiving of all landing fees at NWT airports and the waiving of all leases and licence and concession fees for businesses operating in NWT airports.