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Modern twist on an classic tale

Michael Hugall/ NNSL photo
Queen Vanita the first, played by Karen Wasicuna, rehearses backstage before Snow White a Pantomime on Friday at the Northern Arts and Cultural Centre.
(November 24, 2017)


Thinking outside the box is never a bad concept when it comes to theatre.

Snow White – A Pantomime took centre-stage this past weekend at the Northern Arts and Cultural Centre.

Directed by Ian Johnson, this performance put a modern day twist on the fairy tale story of Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. Theatre company Parcel of Rogues was responsible for the production and did not disappoint with the performance.

The production included Snow White, played by Phoenix Smith. Six dwarfs, who “with the advancement of medical science,” were not so small and a wicked Queen Vanita whose sole purpose was to not only kill Snow White, but completely shutdown the audiences optimism.

Stage manager Lynn Elkin estimates close to 1,000 seats were filled over the three-day span for this year's pantomime production