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LOOKING BACK: Gold brick recovered

40 years ago

The saga of Giant Mines' lost gold brick had come full circle.

Edmonton RCMP charged a former postal employee with theft from the mail.

Yellowknife-born actress Margot Kidder and Canadian Author Peter Gzowski were both in Yellowknife for Caribou Carnival 30 years ago. Pictured here with Yellowknifer Glenn Warner, starting the sled dog championship run on Saturday's race. NNSL file photo

Police broke the case when the gold brick, addressed to the local RCMP, was shoved through a postal drop at the Camrose, Alta., post office.

The 4- pound gold brick, worth $125,000 had disappeared from the Edmonton International Airport enroute from Yellowknife to the Royal Mint in Ottawa.

30 years ago

Yellowknife born actress Margot Kidder and Canadian Author Peter Gzowski were both in Yellowknife for Caribou Carnival.

Gzowski also had a book signing at the Yellowknife Book Cellar promoting his book 'the new Morningside Papers' while in town.

20 years ago

Yellowknife Elk's Lodge No.314 in partnership with the Yellowknife Fire Department, offered free carbon-monoxide detectors to all Yellowknife seniors. The purpose of the program was to protect seniors from the release of potentially lethal gas in their homes.

10 years ago

Gold was trading at $948, up from the previous week's $909.40 per ounce.

The Canadian dollar was trading at$ 98.55, also up from $97.38 the previous week. The Bank of Canada overnight rate continued at 3.5 per cent.