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LOOKING BACK: French reinstated for Grade 1 and Grade 2

Yellowknife Mayor Pat McMahon and Justice Minister Mike Ballantyne opening the Ruth Inch Memorial Pool. NNSL file photo.

40 years ago

French classes for Grade 1 and Grade 2 were reinstated at Yellowknife public elementary schools after the school board received and extra $19,500 from the department of education.

The board received the money as compensation for the extra costs of the Room 15 program for mentally disabled children.

It decided to use the money to hire Mrs. Joan Cumming as a part-time French teacher at Mildred Hall.

The Room 15 program was still the board's number one priority.

“Education for disabled children is far more important than French for the middle class,” said school board chairman Bill Padgham.

French instruction had been terminated the previous June because the board did not have enough funds to hire an extra French teacher at Mildred Hall.  There were however enough teachers at J.H. Sissons for a Grade 1 and Grade 2 French program, but it was terminated in order to prevent an inequitable situation in the schools.


30 years ago

Yellowknife Mayor Pat McMahon and Justice Minister Mike Ballantyne opening the Ruth Inch Memorial Pool. NNSL file photo.
Yellowknife Mayor Pat McMahon and Justice Minister Mike Ballantyne opening the Ruth Inch Memorial Pool. NNSL file photo.

Yellowknife Mayor Pat McMahon and Justice Minister Mike Ballantyne cut the ribbon to officially open the Ruth Inch Memorial Pool.

The Calgary Aquabelles synchronized swim team was on hand to provide a first class performance for the event.

McMahon and Ballantyne made speeches at the event. There was also a ceremonial prayer by the Dettah Drummers, a blessing from Father Dichaussois and the unveiling of a commemorative plaque.


20 years ago

It was official.

After months of negotiations, Canadian North, the Northern arm of Canadian Airlines, was officially under NorTerra Inc.'s wing.

Executives of Inuit owned NorTerra Inc. and Canadian North gathered in Yellowknife at the Canadian forces northern area headquarters officer's mess to sign the documents.

Canadian North, based in Yellowknife, had been flying in the NWT for 70 years, first under Pacific Western Airlines and then as Canadian International Airlines.


10 years ago

The city had erected a new three way stop at the intersection of Forest Drive and Taylor Road.

Markets saw gold trading at $883.50 up from the previous weeks $832.20. The Canadian dollar was down at 0.8706US from the previous week's 0.9286US

The Bank of Canada overnight rate was 2.5 per cent.