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LETTER: School rebuild a complicated issue

From: Tamlin Gilbert


Dear editor,

In response to Friday’s article titled "J.H. Sissons school to be built off-site in 2020," I would like to start by saying that it is a complicated issue that has been through many steps that could not be covered completely in one half-page article.

There is lots of background information available on the YK1 website that includes the recommendations and options as laid out in the architects consultation document.

Tamlin Gilbert, left, along with other concerned Yellowknife Education District No. 1 parents confront board member Terry Brookes after a decision was made Tuesday to build the new J.H. Sissons school off of the original school's site. Michael Hugall/NNSL photo

Here are some additional notes from the board special meeting that were omitted in the article.

Option 3 to build on the parking lot has been ruled out by the Department of Education, Culture and Employment (ECE).

Sissons Parent Advisory Committee was concerned enough about the possibility of losing the school playing field and surrounding natural environment that they tabled an amendment to the motion to keep Option 4 to build on existing site in discussion with ECE. This amendment was signed by 60 Sissons parents.

Throughout the consultation process, it has been repeatedly stated that the decision for where to build the school should be made on a 50-year basis and not based on the amount of disruption caused to the YK1 community at present. We are not building a school for yesterday or even today. This school is for the whole community of Yellowknife and it will serve the needs of several generations of children to come.

That is why I expressed my frustration at the member of the Yk1 board of trustees. I remain hopeful that the board and ECE will be able to find a solution that minimizes the footprint of the new building and does not impact the existing green spaces at Sissons.

I encourage anyone else who has concerns regarding the new school location to look up the consultation document and contact the YK1 board to express their concerns.