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GNWT extension of economic relief measures for residents, businesses amounts to $5.7 million

Five business and tourism organizations have criticized the GNWT's response to the Covid-19 pandemic for not properly balancing the economic concerns of the territory. Blair McBride/NNSL photo

The GNWT has extended several Covid-19 economic relief measures that amount to $5.751 million in support for NWT residents and businesses.

Funding initiatives to support licensed child care programs, which were due to expire on June 30, 2020 have been extended until Sept. 30, 2020.

They include the GNWT's coverage of 75 per cent of eligible fixed costs for child care operators and funding for enhanced cleaning of child care spaces.

That extension amounts to $557,000.

Waivers have also been extended until Sept. 30 for Deh Cho Bridge tolls and truck permits; and until Dec. 31 for NWT airport landing fees and leases, and licences and concession fees at all NWT airports.

It is estimated that the extensions will save NWT residents and businesses about $5.2 million.

“As the GNWT works on comprehensive plans for social and economic recovery, we are reviewing and assessing the need for various measures that were brought in to provide immediate relief in the early days of the Covid-19 pandemic," said finance minister Caroline Wawzonek. "Today’s announcement signals our government’s commitment to support NWT residents, businesses, and communities, as we continue to determine the best ways to provide support as we move forward.”

Until June 30, the territorial government's total support measures came to $36.893 million, along with $11.644 million in support for the NWT aviation industry.

The suspension of all collection activities have also been extended until Dec. 31, 2022.