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Frostbite 50 brings out dozens of competitors for annual event

It would be hard to say you got frostbite at this year's Frostbite 50.

The Yk Multisport Club's annual event happened on a very warm Sunday, with dozens of entrants trying their luck to ski or snowshoe a 50-km course starting at 10 a.m. and finishing at the Yellowknife Ski Club.

When it came to the skiing, Petter Jacobsen was first across the finish line in the solo men's division as he crossed at 2:40 p.m., a total of four hours and 40 minutes. It was another win for Jacobsen as he defended his crown from 2018 but it was a slower time this year and there was a good reason why.

Petter Jacobsen is all smiles as he crosses the finish line at the Yellowknife Ski Club first in the solo men's ski division of the Frostbite 50 race on Sunday. Brett McGarry/NNSL Photo
Petter Jacobsen is all smiles as he crosses the finish line at the Yellowknife Ski Club first in the solo men's ski division of the Frostbite 50 race on Sunday.
Brett McGarry/NNSL Photo

“The snow conditions were pretty bad this year, really loose,” he said. “Back Bay and Prosperous Lake was all loose snow, like bowls of sugar, and it made it tough to skate ski.”

Jacobsen won last year's race in exactly four hours, crossing the finish line at the ski club at 2 p.m.
The race course saw everyone take off from the ski club at 10 a.m. with four checkpoints along the way at Walsh Lake, Prosperous Lake, Cassidy Point and the Dettah access road before finishing at the ski club. Checkpoints had to be met at a certain time and the cut-off to finish the race was 10 p.m., giving everyone 10 hours to complete the course.

The one thing which this year's race didn't have was cold temperatures and Jacobsen said that was the reason the snow felt like sugar.

“It was a lot firmer last year,” he said. “Walsh Lake and Cassidy Point were good for skate-skiing because it was firmer in those spots but I was double-poling on most sections. Some parts were good, some parts were bad. It's all a part of the race.”

Doing the race isn't something you just wake up and decide would be a good idea, he added, and training for the race was essential to putting in a good time.

“I was doing practice runs up to Prosperous Lake and I skied from Yellowknife to Walsh Lake,” he said. “It's important to do skis of around three to four hours to prepare for something like this.

“Plus, I just like skiing long distances because it's a hobby for me. I'm from Norway originally and Nordic skiing is what we do well.”

He plans on racing again next year to try and win another title but more than that, Jacobsen said he just enjoys being in the event.

“I've done this five years now and it's become kind of a tradition for me,” he said. “It's something to train for all-year round and it's such a good event with lots of great volunteers and a great turnout every year. There's lots of happy and helpful people who organize it and they make it lots of fun to be a part of.”

David MacMillan, the multisport club's president, said this year's Frostbite 50 may have been the busiest yet with 110 registered participants including American entries from Connecticut and Arkansas.

He also said Bob Hermanutz and his crew of volunteers did another amazing job in organizing the race.

"An event of this size is not easy to pull off but they make it looks easy and have fun doing so," he said.
MacMillan also paid credit to Yellowknife Search and Rescue, the Great Slave Snowmobile Association and the Yellowknife Amateur Radio Society for their logistical help.

Here are the top three finishers in each category:

Men's solo ski

1st - Petter Jacobsen, four hours, 40 minutes

2nd - Christopher Oland, five hours, 32 minutes

3rd - Cory Dohlen, five hours, 39 minutes

Women's solo ski

1st - Jill Vaydik, five hours, 55 minutes

2nd - Danielle Stachiw, six hours, 16 minutes

3rd - Shauna Morgan, six hours, 20 minutes

Men's solo snowshoe

1st - Gonzalo Espinosa, seven hours, 15 minutes

2nd - Andrew Daniels, eight hours, four minutes

3rd - Greg Kinsman, eight hours, five minutes

Team ski

1st - Team Alty (Rebecca Alty, Kevin Durkee, Lucassie Morrison, Alison Harrower, David MacMillan) - six hours, seven minutes

2nd (tie) - Airsealand (Robert Matthews, Mike Ward, Kevin Sheedy, Matthew Yap, Melissa Syer) - six hours, 30 minutes

2nd (tie) - Frostbite Newbies (Tracey Pope, Mariah MacDonald, Samantha Morandin, Kelly Milne, Alice Domalik) - six hours, 30 minutes

Team snowshoe

1st (tie) Javarunners 1 (Philippe Normandeau, Tegwen Jones, Len McDonald, Andrea Giesbrech) - nine hours, one minute

1st (tie) - Javarunners 2 (Austin Marshall, Theena Mercado, Doug Ashbury, Patricia Loeppky) - nine hours, one minute

Team mixed (ski and snowshoe)

1st - Snow Way To Treat Your Spouse (Clarinda Spijkerman and David Mahon) - six hours, seven minutes

source: Yk Multisport Club

About the Author: James McCarthy

I'm the managing editor with NNSL Media and have been so since 2022.
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