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Department of National Defence plans live fire practice west of Yellowknife

Photo courtesy of Greg Kinsman. Yellowknife's Master Corporal Greg Kinsman of the Loyal Edmonton Regiment, pictured here during a training exercise, is taking his military experience and passion for wildlife conservation to South Africa, where he'll join other volunteers in the fight against the illegal poaching of rhinos and other animals. May 13, 2018.

Soldiers will practice their aim with rifles, pistols and shotguns during a military exercise about 55 kilometres west of Yellowknife later this month.

The Loyal Edmonton Regiment will conduct live-fire rifle, pistol and shotgun marksmanship training Oct. 24 to 28, according to a news release from the Department of National Defence.

“Firing will be towards the west, which is a lightly travelled, unpopulated area,” during Operation Wolverine Marksman, Capt. Louis-Karl Hottin said. “The public may notice increased military traffic in the region and Canadian Armed Forces personnel carrying weapons and conducting live-fire training at the gravel pit.”

Sentries will be posted at the gravel pit entrance to prevent access to the area for safety reasons, and these sentries will be able to answer questions or concerns from members of the public, according to Hottin.

“This exercise will not significantly impede civilian traffic or activities in the area. The Loyal Edmonton Regiment follows the principles of good environmental stewardship and operates so that there is a minimal impact to the environment.”