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COMMUNITY REPORT: Yellowknife preparing to adjust budget for 2020

1704solidwastefacility41.jpg Simon Whitehouse/NNSL PHOTO The City of Yellowknife has closed the solid waste facility until further notice as part of its response to the covid-19 pandemic. This week, the city was offering a dog waste drop off bin for residents to drop their dog waste as the snow melts.

As the one month anniversary of the public health emergency approaches on Saturday, city staff are scrutinizing the 2020 budget in light of the Covid-19 pandemic's potential implications over the next year, Mayor Rebecca Alty said.

“We are looking at our revenue projections and expense projections and doing some re-forecasting to see what the financial impact of what Covid might have on the municipal corporation,” Alty said. 

The mayor couldn't specify exactly when an update would be available, but said the city is aiming to have scenarios that council can consider at at a later date. 

“If this goes to the end of the summer or the end of the fall or into the new year, council will need to have a few different scenarios to work (with) and have a good picture of the economic picture that could have on the city,” said Alty.

Animal waste bin 

Yellowknifers continue to adjust to ever tighter COVID-19 restrictions from the last week, the mayor noted. The municipal government has been striving to ease short-term and long-term challenges surrounding the virus. Since last week, the city put in place an animal waste bin in front of the solid waste facility, which was to expire on Friday. 

The City of Yellowknife has closed the solid waste facility until further notice as part of its response to the Covid-19 pandemic. This week, the city was offering a dog waste drop-off bin for residents to deposit their dog waste as the snow melts.
Simon Whitehouse/NNSLl photo

A worry every year among city council and administration is addressing dog waste in municipal parks, trails and other public areas as the snow melts. This is exacerbated this year as the solid waste facility has been among city services closed to the public due to the Covid-19 pandemic. 

“A lot of people are doing their spring cleaning jobs while at home and picking up all the dog poo, so we were offering people this week the chance to make those big dumps,” Alty said of the interim measure until Friday. “This is just a reminder to residents that temporarily and for the time being, they can throw their dog poo in the curbside garbage pickup.”   

Physical distancing 

Alty said she thinks that the order banning indoor gatherings has had a marked impact on residents. She said it's especially hard because the pandemic presents an emotional challenge for some people. 

Last week Alty said it was important that residents maintain and abide by the physical distancing practices directed by chief public health officer, especially as Yellowknifers were celebrating Easter weekend. This week she said while maintaining those practices remains important, she said city residents face challenges with those expectations.

“It is such a tough concept because we are human and we want to reach out and be with our friends and loved ones, especially during this emotionally challenging time,” she said. “But it’s one thing you can’t do. 

“It is a challenging time and there are a lot of emotions and we don’t get to reach out for that physical touch or hug to say ‘Hey, we’re in this together.’ It doesn’t have the same feel doing it over the phone, even though that is what we have to do.”