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City to host annual fireworks show for Yellowknifers on Dec. 31

Stewart Burnett/NNSL photo A dazzling fireworks show truly signifies the culmination of years of work, sweat and resources.

Yellowknifers can ring in 2021 by watching colourful explosions in the sky at the City's annual fireworks display on Dec. 31 at 8 p.m.

This year's show will be Covid appropriate and residents are encouraged to view the show from different areas to facilitate physical distancing.

Suggested viewing spots include Somba K’e Civic Plaza, Frame Lake Trail, Niven Lake, Pilots Monument and others.

Suggested viewing areas for the fireworks show include Somba K’e Civic Plaza, Frame Lake Trail, Niven Lake, Pilots Monument and others. The red area is the 213-metre perimeter of the firing area. City of Yellowknife image
Suggested viewing areas (in green) for the fireworks show include Somba K’e Civic Plaza, Frame Lake Trail, Niven Lake, Pilots Monument and others. Viewers should avoid the firing area (in red). City of Yellowknife image

“The annual New Year’s Eve fireworks display is a much-loved event for Yellowknifers and we are grateful to be able to continue this tradition safely at the end of a tough year,” said Mayor Rebecca Alty. “Let's make use of the city’s many open spaces when choosing our viewing locations and ensure we keep the recommended distance from others when enjoying what will be a spectacular show!"

Residents are asked to refrain from occupying a public space if they must self-isolate because they returned to the NWT in the past 14 days, feel sick, have any Covid-19 symptoms or are awaiting results of a laboratory test for Covid.

They should also avoid public areas to view the show if they or anyone in their household has been diagnosed with coronavirus, if they have been told by a health care provider to self-isolate or if they're in a household with someone self-isolating who has not maintained physical distance.

The following safety reminders should also be heeded: leave pets at home; if viewing the show from Frame Lake, remember to avoid the safety zone, a 213-metre perimeter around the firing area; and stay away from the fireworks area and safety zone until noon on Jan. 1 to allow for crews to finish a safety inspection in the daylight.