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CAPSULE COMMENTS: Are you on the organ donor list?

by Aaron La Borde

The very first human-to-human kidney transplant was done in 1953 in Paris. The patient survived only three weeks.

This was long before anti-rejection medications were available. Today, kidney transplants are generally successful, giving the recipients a long and healthy life. The waiting list for kidneys is long with the demand always exceeding the supply. Are you on the organ donor list?


Medicinal properties of ginger

The evidence for efficacy of many herbal products is often lacking. However, there is some good evidence that ginger can be used safely as an antinauseant. It can be taken with other antinauseants and may enhance the effect.

The studies done on ginger for treating the nausea from chemotherapy are mixed so it’s a good idea to check with your oncologist before you try it.


A discontinued drug

Interesting note about the history of pharmacy and medicine. Back in 1928, one in five prescriptions was written for bromides, which were used as a sedative and anticonvulsant. They were found to be quite toxic and their use in humans today is non-existent.

Bromo-Seltzer was the last product sold with a bromide content and was discontinued in 1975 and replaced by less toxic medications.


Age and the brain

As we age, our brains become more sensitive to medications. That’s why the initial doses of a new drug for an elderly person are often lowere than standard adult doses. Your doctor’s goal is to give you the lowest dose that will produce the best effect with the least adverse reaction. Your job is to take the medication as prescribed and report and concerns to your doctor and pharmacist.