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Budding bodybuilder takes fifth

Photo: 2704Strong61 Keirra Alty strikes a pose at the NPAA Canadian Classic in Calgary, Alta. Photo Courtesy of Keirra Alty

A Yellowknife woman has placed fifth at the Natural Physics and Athletic Association Canadian Classic in Calgary last weekend. It was Keirra Alty's first-ever bodybuilding competition. The 24-year old was competing in the novice bikini and fitness categories, meaning everyone she competed against was either in their first competition or had never previously secured a top-five finish.

Keirra Alty, centre, onstage at the NPAA Canadian Classic in Calgary, Alta. Alty placed fifth in the bikini category of the competition. photo courtesy of Mathew Craig

"It was a crazy weekend and it's just sinking in now," said Alty. "I feel good about top five. I was hoping for higher, but now it gives me something to strive for and I know I have bigger goals now."

On stage, Alty said she felt the nerves in her first round of competition as she missed one of her marks on stage during the fitness category which ended up costing her as she did not place in that part of the event. However, she was able to turn it around for the bikini portion of the contest.

While the competition took place over one weekend, Alty has been preparing for the show since January. She said she maintained a strict high-protein, low-carbohydrate diet, eating five meals a day and adhering to a workout plan that saw her at the gym almost every day of the week.

"I did a 16-week prep and I'm currently doing my four-week reverse diet to get me back to being a normal human," said Alty. "My coach would send me what I would eat everyday. I had five meals a day and I would have a few options for proteins and carbs and vegetables and I did weights five times a week."

"One day was strictly cardio and then for the last eight weeks, I was doing fasted cardio three to four times a week," she added.

That fasted cardio - which involves working out on an empty stomach – usually meant Alty was running on a treadmill or using a stationary bike while hungry. All of this was done in preparation for a long weekend of bright lights and dark spray tans that saw Alty strut her stuff in front of a panel of judges.

"Saturday morning I woke up bright and early at 8 a.m. to have my first coat of spray paint ... then we signed in, got our badge numbers, went back to the hotel ate my next three meals of the day and at about six o'clock I met with my coach and showed her my poses, my routine and my shoes. Then at 8 p.m. I got my second coat of spray tan," said Alty.

This whole process was only the beginning for Alty, who was rising with the sun once again Sunday morning to start her hair and makeup process at 6:30 a.m.

Once hair and makeup was done, Alty was allowed to begin her final process before taking the stage, which meant she could have one small shot of water and a handful of candy.

With the top five placing in the bikini category, Alty will now have to compete in the open division of her next competition, a field that will accept any competitor that had a previous top placing but does not currently have a pro card.

Alty says that she is looking forward to her next show, which she hopes will be next May.

She will take extra time to prepare in the hopes of getting a top two finish, which would be a big step forward in her bodybuilding career.