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Bromley buildings up for sale in combined $7.6M listing

1707GrahamBromley52.jpg Graham Bromley Building at 5016 50 Avenue Simon Whitehouse/NNSL photo

Five office buildings and three parking lots in downtown Yellowknife went up for sale earlier this month with a combined listing price of $7.6 million. 

The property, currently owned by Bromley and Sons Ltd., includes the W.H. Bromley Building, the Graham Bromley Building, the former Day Shelter, the 50-50 Mini Mall and the Gondola Building. 

The 50-50 Mini Mall, owned by Bromleys, is for sale. It's among five office buildings and three parking lots that the family has put on the market.
Simon Whitehouse/NNSL photo

“People know for themselves that these properties have a long history in Yellowknife,” said James Robertson, an associate with Avison Young Real Estate. 

Robertson said the properties have been on the market for about 10 days and he expects that they will officially change hands some time in January. While tours are already being booked, he said there will likely be more interest once the territory reopens its borders so visitors and prospective buyers from outside the NWT can look them over.   

Jill Groenewegen, owner of Bijou Boutique in the 50-50 Mini Mall, hadn’t heard that the building was up for sale until NNSL Media called seeking comment. 

"This is the first I’m hearing of it," she said Wednesday. "I can’t form an opinion yet because I’m not sure what it means."

The Bromleys have owned the 50-50 mall and other properties, like the Graham Bromley Building, since 1997. Some, like the Gondola Building on 50 Avenue, they acquired more recently in 2003.

The owners are looking to sell all five buildings and three parking lots together, but would sell them individually for the right deal, according to Robertson. 

Bromley and Sons has declined to comment until all shareholders can convene in several weeks.