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An ode to women in song

The contributions of Canadian women composers were celebrated in song at the Prince of Wales Northern Heritage Centre Saturday evening.

The Canadian Women Composers Project, a cross-country tour aimed at highlighting the often overlooked work of female composers in Canada, saw soprano singer Clarisse Tonigussi take the stage to serenade dozens of guests with songs from composers including Jean Coulthard, Jana Skarecky,Mary Gardiner, Ana Sokolovic and more.

Yellowknife’s own Mary Kelly and Carmen Braden accompanied Tonigussi on piano, with one of Braden’s own compositions being performed.

Tonigussi, who described her on-stage presence as "quirky", said the project is working to sway the imbalance of male dominance in the world of classical music.

"There's a lot of work that needs to be done and I'm really glad we get to be part of that work," said Tonigussi.

"Carmen (Braden) is amazing. She’s a composer and her work is beautiful and it deserves to be heard."