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All-curling match-up set to go in Greatest Of All Time

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We already have one medal-winning rink from the Canadian Mixed Curling Championship through to round two of NNSL Media's Greatest Of All Time competition.

Might there be a second?

The next match-up in the quest to find the greatest NWT-based sports team of all time continues in about an hour from now as the 2015 Canadian Mixed Curling Championship silver medalists of Jamie Koe, Kerry Galusha, Robert Borden and Megan Cormier (Koehler) will square off with the 2018-19 edition of Team Galusha, which had one of the best seasons ever seen by a rink from the territory. You can click here to read about the mixed rink's run to silver or click here to read about Team Galusha.

Once you have your favourite, head on over to our Facebook page starting at 9 a.m. this morning to cast your vote. You can do that by liking, commenting on or sharing the post you want to see move on but only one method of voting will count, not all three. You will have until 11:59 p.m. tomorrow to vote with the winner getting a second-round match-up with the 1979 Yellowknife Junior Merchants softball team.

Whichever team receives the most votes is the winner so make sure you go to our Facebook page in less than an hour to make your choice. Who moves on is all up to you.

About the Author: James McCarthy

I'm the managing editor with NNSL Media and have been so since 2022.
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