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Rock solid fun during Learn to Curl event

Yellowknife Curling Centre offers lesson on curling
Fun was had during the Learn to Curl event Saturday. Jill Westerman/NNSL photo

While the sport of curling requires the use of strategy and technique, it’s also an opportunity to enjoy team camaraderie, said one of the coaches teaching people during a one-day Learn to Curl clinic at the Yellowknife Curling Centre on Oct. 21.

“Once you get to a certain level, it’s almost like a moving chessboard, it’s moving all the time. Pieces are moving, rocks are moving, and trying to outgun the other person is really a lot of fun,” said Brian Kelln.

“From the social point of view, you are with four people or friends and you get to talk and visit while you are curling. It’s not like where you are in fastball, where you are running back and forth with the ball and just get a break between shots. There are so many things; I love the social aspect of it,” Kelln said.

From left, brothers Wyatt and William Hauber have fun sweeping the curling stone down the ice during the Learn to Curl event at the Yellowknife Curling Centre Saturday. Jill Westerman/NNSL photo
From left, brothers Wyatt and William Hauber have fun sweeping the curling stone down the ice during the Learn to Curl event at the Yellowknife Curling Centre Saturday. Jill Westerman/NNSL photo

The purpose of the clinic was to not only teach the basics, but to introduce people to the sport, he said of the two-hour event that saw 24 people, including two junior players, attend.

“We are trying to build interest in the community and it is a good family sport, a good social. Skill levels don’t really matter - it’s all about fun and socializing,” he said.

The first lesson objective was to teach the newcomers the basics of curling - including how to throw the rocks and sweep them down the icy surface. Later this season, Kelln said they will build upon what participants learned by teaching them how to play the game.

“Our club is so happy to have people interested in coming out here and we would like to see more people,” Kelln said.

“We’ve got a good junior program with 20 to 30 kids in juniors and we have plenty of room in our adult leagues both on Wednesdays and Fridays.”

Anyone interested in learning the sport can contact the Yellowknife Curling Centre, he said, adding that they will set up clinics for both those who want to learn to play and for those who want to play in leagues.

Jessica Chen delivers the curling stone down the ice in perfect form during the Learn to Curl event Saturday. Jill Westerman/NNSL photo
From front left, Shadrach McLeod, Alex Griffin and Tim Aeyelts enjoy perfecting their skills during Saturday’s event. Jill Westerman/NNSL photo
Brian Kelln explains the basics of curling during Saturday’s Learn to Curl event at the Yellowknife Curling Centre. Jill Westerman/NNSL photo
Bruce Laurich watches a rock slide in for a landing after sweeping it down the ice. Jill Westerman/NNSL photo
Coach Sharon Cormier gives Lauren Hogan and Bruce Laurich some tips on playing the sport. Jill Westerman/NNSL photo
It was an afternoon of family fun during the Learn to Curl event at the Yellowknife Curling Centre Saturday, as Dad Dustin Hauber and sons, from left, William, 9, and Wyatt, 6, were introduced to the basics of the sport. Jill Westerman/NNSL photo
Brian Kelln, one of the coaches at the Learn to Curl event gives a pointer about the game to newcomers to the sport. Jill Westerman/NNSL photo