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Family fun at Yellowknife Ski Club’s dress-up event

The Yellowknife Ski Club hosted a costume-themed ski event earlier this season, so why not host another one?
Sanaa Doherty, left, and Hawk Doherty accompanied dad Shaun Doherty, who showed up as Mr. Incredible. James McCarthy/NNSL photo

The Yellowknife Ski Club hosted a costume-themed ski event earlier this season, so why not host another one?

That’s what the club did this past Sunday as the All Ages Costume Ski hit the trails with another decent turnout of more than 80 people, according to Oyuka Bernabe, the event’s organizer. The costumes ranged from superheroes to Harry Potter to sports-themed outfits with imagination as the only thing holding people back.

Marin Marrai, left, dressed as Batgirl while her dad, Luciano Marrai, decked himself out as Captain America. James McCarthy/NNSL photo
Marin Marrai, left, dressed as Batgirl while her dad, Luciano Marrai, decked himself out as Captain America. James McCarthy/NNSL photo

Bernabe, who organized the first of these events and who came dressed as Raggedy Ann, said it was originally supposed to be an event for just the boys known as Boys on Boards but it was opened up to everyone.

“It’s a new year and we want everyone to enjoy it: boys, girls, families,” she said. “It’s for everyone to join in.”

Organizer Oyuka Bernabe, centre, came as Raggedy Ann, along with her children, Elizabeth Bernabe, left, and Benjamin Bernabe. James McCarthy/NNSL photo
Organizer Oyuka Bernabe, centre, came as Raggedy Ann, along with her children, Elizabeth Bernabe, left, and Benjamin Bernabe. James McCarthy/NNSL photo

Just like the first event, the trails were free for people to use and everyone who showed up was entered into a draw for some door prizes. In addition to the action outside, there was some inside as Aroma Brewealis was passing out samples of some home-brewed beer.

“Making your own beer is popular and having them here gives them a chance to meet people in the community,” said Bernabe.

Having so many people come out in costume was something she thought would be the case, she added.

“The first event, Chix on Stix, had a lot of people come out dressed up,” she said. “But a lot of people missed out and so lots of people contacted me asking to come out and so people get to wear their Halloween costumes again. They get to enjoy some nice weather, too. No wind and that’s the best part.”

The one thing Bernabe hoped for was that families simply had a good time and come back next year.

“The kids will go home and tell their parents that they had a great time and they make some nice memories,” she said. “For me, that would make me really happy.”

About the Author: James McCarthy

I'm the managing editor with NNSL Media and have been so since 2022.
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