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Stolen property recovered during search warrant execution in Hay River

Stolen property recovered during search warrant execution in Hay River

An investigation into multiple thefts from vehicles in Hay River has led to the arrests and charging of two people believed to be involved.
Yellowknife RCMP investigting attempted armed robbery on Tuesday night

Yellowknife RCMP investigting attempted armed robbery on Tuesday night

A proposed deal on a pair of earbuds very nearly took a turn for the worse on Tuesday night.
Ace ‘luckily’ skates away with A division title at Hay River Rec Hockey Tournament

Ace ‘luckily’ skates away with A division title at Hay River Rec Hockey Tournament

The 2023 Hay River Rec Hockey Tournament is in the books and it’s a team from the Yk Rec Hockey League that skated off with the big prize in the A division.
When you think of broomball in the NWT, you’ll always think of Lynn Fowler

When you think of broomball in the NWT, you’ll always think of Lynn Fowler

There are very few people who are attached to one sport in the NWT. Like almost every athlete, coach, volunteer or anyone, you see people dip their feet into multiple sports.
Sir John Franklin soars to victory in Wade Hamer Challenge Cup

Sir John Franklin soars to victory in Wade Hamer Challenge Cup

If you drove past the Multiplex on Wednesday afternoon, you knew exactly what was going on judging by the amount of cars in the parking lot.
Vince McKay comes out on top in Hay River South

Vince McKay comes out on top in Hay River South

Going into the election in Hay River South, everyone expected it to be a two-horse race between incumbent Rocky Simpson and former MLA Wally Schumann.
Results start becoming clearer as last numbers roll in

Results start becoming clearer as last numbers roll in

It’s after 8 p.m. and the polls are now closed. The only exception was in Dettah, where polls statyed open until 8:26 p.m. due to a delay in opening things up.
It’s Election Day and NNSL Media has you covered

It’s Election Day and NNSL Media has you covered

It’s the night we’ve all been waiting for.
Yellowknife RCMP arrest two individuals in snowmobile theft

Yellowknife RCMP arrest two individuals in snowmobile theft

Two people have been arrested in relation to a snowmobile theft on Monday evening.
Getting youth involved in the territorial election with Kids Vote 2023

Getting youth involved in the territorial election with Kids Vote 2023

So we all know that in order to vote in Tuesday’s territorial election, you must be a resident of the NWT and prove that you can vote here. A full list of identification options can be found at the Elections NWT website.